HAHA, yeah right,
Mfw I thought this cucky game was more comfy than it was worth. Having fun real fun not fake fun no fun allowed is what you think, IT HAPPENED. GOTY GOAT i swear to giggle m8.
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Nostalgia is so good. Comfygate 2012. Literally running on a potato. 64TB Ram or Go back to leddit.
MObile gaming is the future of muh PC ports, muh waifu, muh shit tier loli anime weebshit.
Maxis doesn't even come close to gabe life 3 confirmed in terms of EA shitposting on your console master race.
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The only valid complaints are the ones directed toward Steam, and in response a simple git gud can end american water levels.
Meme Harder. Have fun with your artificial difficulty and pre-rendered framerates, faggot.