First I suppose I should give an example of what I'd like to accomplish with this script.
Imagine your player walks up to a mounted crossbow and activates it. The crossbow can be aimed at a few different places. There's also an option to fire the crossbow which tells a separate event to appear and move across the screen. You can then reload the crossbow, resetting that event. It's not terribly complicated.
Now, imagine there's also a bird, dragon, or some other type of enemy outside of the player's touching reach. It's flying around. It's impossible to hit this target with the player (well, possibly, but really complicated or you have to re-build the encounter to such a degree that the original concept is lost).
Actually this made me think of a possibility involving using the player as the projectile, but this wouldn't work in all situations (if you're the projectile then you can't move, dodge, etc..).
When you fire the bolt, it's an event, and the monster is an event, so there's no way for them to interact. Only the player can interact with other events.
So what I would like is for someone to make me a script that will enable events to be activated when other events run into them.
Actually you wouldn't be making this just for me. I'm sure many other game makers would benefit from this and your script would see use in many action styled RPG Maker VX games.
There is actually already a script for this, but it is in VX-Ace format, and my game has been built with the VX engine. Is there a way to convert this? at least the part that I need.