NaNoWriMo is a month long race to write a novel (50,000). I started four days ago and now have 10K+ words to my credit.
Feel free to read what I have so far, but be warned:
The idea is not to go back and spend a lot of time editing, so you may see grammatical and other errors. Please enjoy them.
I have outlined the novel to the end, so "spoilers" exist. If you want to see the finished product without knowing what will happen, don't read past chapter 5.
Without further commentary: Wayward.
Edit - Two chapters added. Enjoy.
Edit - Lots added. Outline removed, it's now just what I've written! No spoilers.
Edit - "Completed" version uploaded. My entire NaNoWriMo entry. Still have a lot of story to write!
So the day has come: I've released the whole thing to everybody!
Get your copy