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(XP)(Request) Water Ripple Animation

Started by Long Duck Dong, November 04, 2013, 06:37:28 AM

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Long Duck Dong

So I'm introducing fishing to my game, but I have no tile that would do well for where the fish would be. Can someone create an animated water ripple graphic? It needs to look like the default water, but with something in the water.

If anyone has ever played Age Of Empires, the little ripples of water that the fishing boats took fish from. It doesn't have to have fish jumping out, just something that shows you can fish "here".

Thanks and sorry if this seems odd. I'm not entirely great at explaining how I need a graphic done without drawing it, in which I have no scanner to do so lol
"I'm singing in the rain, just singing in the rain...."


First thing that popped into my head was this from the RMVXA rtp.

I know the sizes are different, but I'm pretty sure you can handle switching them over.

Long Duck Dong

"I'm singing in the rain, just singing in the rain...."