I'm at a point where I can't think of anything to respond to these threads with anymore. I've known you for almost ten years now, and I've listened to practically everything you've written, and I'm running out of things to say. My goal was always to become as great a musician as you, and the fact that you were always several steps ahead of me kept me striving to do so. In a way, it made it easier for me to gauge how much more I had to improve upon. But lately I've realized that the importance in being a musician has nothing to do with ability. There's no real competition. We all have different ways of expressing ourselves through our craft, and with that, it's more important to find people who understand the feeling that writing music gives you, rather than find people who "do it better."
I'm still ambitious. I still want to improve as much as I can. But from here on out, I want you to know that even if I'm not responding to your music threads, I'm still checking out the music. Because in the end, the details don't matter, and the end justifies the means. Keep on writing, and I'll keep on listening.