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[Music] Concept Album: Audio the Heroin-Chic Cyber-Doll ...and other works

Started by Dertt, January 04, 2013, 07:02:14 AM

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Hello to the fellows of the page, to the ladies of the spread, and vice-versa. I notice we scarcely interact anymore, and find myself saddened.
Nonetheless, as I'm sure one or two people once witnessed, I once posted the full written lyrical content of a concept album which has been floating around in my slightly asymmetrical ginger head for a while, entitled Audio the Heroin-Chic Cyber-Doll. The title there should link you to the lyrics.
You see, I almost never cared if I actually produced this album, although I essentially already had the capability, while writing the lyrics, to provide them with accompaniment of whatever sort. The thing is, I only ever wrote the lyrics. I suppose I sort of needed to, in order to process the terrifically fucked-up scenario I found myself facing when the story first occurred to me.
Anyway, yeah: a while back I was re-reading the lyrics to Audio the Heroin-Chic Cyber-Doll as well as some other related writings from the era, and I finally saw into the true depths of that situation's weirdness, which combined with a resurgence of my passion for doing musicky shite, sort of let me know what this album would sound like.
So I guess I'm just gonna present what I have so far, for your approval and/or rejection and/or ambivalence.

Without further ado: Audio the Heroin-Chic Cyber-Doll (thus far)


always happy to share further information about project if anyone is interested, and thanks for your time




You have something there, that's for sure.

Dertt, I like you and always have, so I'll be honest: The whole album shares a pretty similar tempo and that makes me want to explore each successive track less and less as I go through it. However, this is definitely NOT to say the music is bad. Its fucking cool, brosephine.

The synth-y sound of the instruments is also kind of a put-off. If that was the intent, which I imagine it might be considering the story you're telling here, then I can see why you did so; I myself would have done it differently. Then again, I know nothing about what software/workststion you're using or your budget which I again imagine may be an issue.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that it has a lot of good shit in it, and I think that if the sounds were closer to that of real instruments and if the admittedly complex and entertaining beats were more varied in tempo from track to track, this would be something I'd buy... or at least steal from Mediafire.

I'm pretty stoked to hear vocals added to the music. Any plans on doing so? It would definitely add a dimenson I'm not getting from just instrumentals. I can only imagine how the lyrics go along, I'm trying to read and listen again.


Which instruments in particular sound synthetic? Responding in terms of intent is kind of difficult considering that I made these using a blend of varying types of synthesis (including granular), sample-based instruments, sound fonts, sampled sounds, and live instrumentation. So it also becomes hard to tell what needs tweaking between the synthesizers themselves, the rock band, the jazz band, the ethnic instruments, the full orchestra, and God knows what else. ...this album is ridiculously complicated.
I'm also stoked to get vox down on these.

For optimum listening pleasure, may I suggesting downloading the tracks and burning them to disc to hear them say, in the car? There's a lot going on in the low end of the frequency spectrum that the sound system in an automobile really brings to the forefront.
Also, not saying anything, but coincidentally, the acronym formed by the album's title: A THC CD.

And of course, as always, all feedback is very much appreciated and often duly noted, processed, and/or applied.


It's the brass and the sax that are... well... it sounds kinda corny in front of the other shit. Some of the high-end strings as well. No HUGE deal, but in your quest for perfection, I'd start there.

Aha! Well then, perhaps some *ahem* incense shall be burned while listening... in the driveway, of course.


Yeah, there's a couple off-kilter pitch bends and weird articulations in the brass that I couldn't get to sound completely natural. Unfortunately for the sax, even real reed instruments sort of sound synthesized in these such contexts - they naturally produce a "clipped triangle" wavelength, which even looks like cheese. The strings can be tweaked, though. Probably get to that once I have the money either for a new Kontakt library or for hiring session musicians.

Also, look at this. Complete accident. Got weird four tracks ago.


...and the track that everyone was waiting to hear has been added.

Also, here's an annotated compendium of lyrics and a few related writings:
The notes/comments/links are actually fairly interesting in what they explain and reveal.


This project is definitely taking on a life of it's own! There's a shadow on it... or perhaps that's you coming out in the music. I almost feel as if I'm intruding on your presonal journal when I read all the lyrics, notes and links... Definitely an interesting project altogether. Carry on.

Fucking love the new track, hoss.  :blizj:


Thanks, M00s!

Everyone, a new track of relevance has been posted, vocals and everything:



I figure I may as well just make this a "my music" topic, because I want to throw everyone this collaborative curveball:



I give you both the clap!

I mean, I clap for you both. Excellent work, peoples. Those lyrics, man... they dark as shit and I like it.


The instrumentals for the full album are complete and have been posted!
