Just posting to update and let people know that I'm still working on the game.
I've been reviewing the feedback people have given me from the demo and I've been trying to improve the game.
One of the new additions is the "Battle Retry" system.
When you're defeated in battle a prompt will appear asking you if you would like to retry the battle. This will not always be a lifesaver since it will return you as you were when the battle started, but it should alleviate the problem of having to return to the title screen because you forgot to save which is what seems to happen in most instances.
Most of the other additions to the game are mostly visual effects like the "Bubble prompt" and transition effects.
A bubble will appear whenever a point of interest or something hidden near the player.
Sadly, it's not all good news. I had to switch from MIDI to OGG because of a script I created and the music I am using does not have proper looping in it (loopstart and looplength) and the long pauses are too noticeable to ignore. Also It takes me 5 to 8 hours just to find a decent loop in a 40 second song and even then when I test the song I still hear a click or beep because it's not a precise loop.
That means that even though I'm currently using about 10 songs, it's going to take me 80+ hours just find and set their proper loops. And this has set back the progress of the game a lot since I can only work on it 2~3 hours a day.
And I want to end the update in a good note, so here is a preview of a scene in the game I've been working on.
Thanks for reading and have a nice day!