Well, unfortunately, that's not really a problem I'm willing to fix at the moment. In order to have the script interpret colour codes, I would either have to make the sprite an invisible window or else manually account for every possible code in every possible script. The former I do not want to do as windows will potentially cause more lag and it would foreclose the possibility of some effects, such as flash or showing animations on the hover alert. The latter I simply do not want to do because it's way too much work for very minor benefit.
However, if you want to just account for colour codes, you could add this code into its own slot somewhere below the Hover Alerts script but still above Main:
# ** Sprite_HoverAlert
# Summary of Changes:
# overwritten method - maha_draw_text
class Sprite_HoverAlert
# * Draw Text
def maha_draw_text
# Else draw the word
x = 0
self.bitmap = Bitmap.new(24, 24)
if @hover_alert.name && !@hover_alert.name.empty?
# Retrieve actual string
txt = @hover_alert.name.gsub(/\\[Cc]\[(\d+)\]/, "")
ts = bitmap.text_size(txt)
if @hover_alert.icon_index > 0
x = 28
ts.width += 28
ts.height = 24 if ts.height < 24
# Resize
self.bitmap = Bitmap.new(ts.width + 4, ts.height + 4)
@hover_alert.colour = $1.to_i if @hover_alert.name[/\\[Cc]\[(\d+)\]/]
bitmap.font.color = text_color(@hover_alert.colour)
# Draw text
bitmap.draw_text(x, 0, bitmap.width - x, bitmap.height, txt, 1)
# Draw Icon
@hover_alert.icon_hue == 0 ? maha_draw_icon(@hover_alert.icon_index, 0, (height - 24) / 2) :
maha_draw_icon_with_hue(@hover_alert.icon_index, @hover_alert.icon_hue, 0, (height - 24) / 2)
@ap_time = -1
@ap_width = bitmap.width
Keep in mind that if this script is ever updated, retaining this code could interfere with other changes to the script.