Random Encounters by Level
Version: 1.0.0
Author: modern algebra
Date: 22 September 2012
Version History
- <Version 1.0> 2012.09.22 - Original Release
This script allows you to assign levels to enemies and have it so that enemy will only be randomly encountered when the player's level is within some range of that enemy's level. You can set the level range by map.
That might be confusing, so I will try to explain a little better by example. You set up a map with possible enemies being Angels, Cherubims, and Seraphims. You can enter this map at any time, and so you want the random encounters to reflect what level the hero party is. You don't want the party attacking Seraphims when they are level 1, because they will be crushed, and you don't want them to fight Angels when they are level 99, because it's too easy. Thus, you just set up in the script what levels the enemies with this script you will only fight monster troops that are within level range of your heroes. You can set what that level range is as well, thus making some maps harder and others easier.
- Allows you to assign levels to every enemy in the database
- The player is restricted to randomly encountering only enemies within his or her level range
- Allows you to set the level range by map or in an event by script command
- Can be disabled and re-enabled at will
- Simple database configuration
Paste the script into its own slot in the Script Editor, above Main but below Materials. For further instructions on configuration, see the header of the script.
# Random Encounters by Level
# Version: 1.0.0
# Author: modern algebra (rmrk.net)
# Date: 22 September, 2012
# Description:
# This script allows you to assign levels to enemies and have it so that
# enemy will only be randomly encountered when the player's level is within
# some range of that enemy's level. You can set the level range by map.
# That might be confusing, so I will try to explain a little better by
# example. You set up a map with possible enemies being Angels, Cherubims,
# and Seraphims. You can enter this map at any time, and so you want the
# random encounters to reflect what level the hero party is. You don't want
# the party attacking Seraphims when they are level 1, because they will be
# crushed, and you don't want them to fight Angels when they are level 99,
# because it's too easy. Thus, you just set up in the script what levels the
# enemies with this script you will only fight monster troops that are within
# level range of your heroes. You can set what that level range is as well,
# thus making some maps harder and others easier.
# Instructions:
# Paste this script into its own slot in the Script Editor, above Main but
# below Materials.
# To set the level of an enemy, all you need to do is place the following
# code in its notebox:
# \elvl[x]
# Replace the x with the level you want to assign to the enemy. As an example
# if you wanted to set an enemy's level to 7, you would use the following
# code:
# \elvl[7]
# If you do not give an enemy a level, then it will be encounterable at any
# level. The level of any given troop is the average level of all its members.
# By default, your party will only encounter troops that are within 5 levels
# of your party. In other words, if the average level of your party is 7, you
# will encounter troops with levels between 2 and 12. You can change the
# level range in two ways.
# Firstly, you can change it by map by placing the following code in the
# notebox of a map:
# \elvl[x, y]
# Replace x and y with the minimum and maximum level difference. So, if you
# have something like:
# \elvl[-2, 8]
# Then the parties will encounter enemy troops that are between 2 levels
# below the party and 8 levels above the party. Alternately, if you did this:
# \elvl[v1, v2]
# Then it would set the minimum level to the value of variable 1 and the
# maximum level to the value of variable 2.
# Secondly, you can change the level range by placing the following code in
# a Script event command:
# set_encounter_level_range(x, y)
# where, again, you replace x and y with the minimum and maximum level
# diference.
# You can turn this script off and on completely with the following code:
# $game_map.marel_on = false # <- OFF
# $game_map.marel_on = true # <- ON
$imported ||= {}
$imported[:MA_RandomEncounterByLevel] = true
# *** RPG
# Summary of Changes:
# modified classes - Enemy; Troop; Map::Encounter
module RPG
# ** RPG::Enemy
# Summary of Changes:
# new method - marel_level
class Enemy
# * Level
def marel_level
unless @marel_level
@marel_level = note[/\\E[ _]?LE?VE?L\[\s*(\d+)\s*\]/i] ? $1.to_i : 0
# ** RPG::Troop
# Summary of Changes:
# new method - marel_level
class Troop
# * Level
def marel_level
unless @marel_level
enemies = members.collect { |en| $data_enemies[en.enemy_id] }.compact
total = enemies.inject(0) { |sum, en| sum + en.marel_level }
size = enemies.select { |en| en.marel_level != 0 }.size
@marel_level = size == 0 ? 0 : (total.to_f / size).ceil
# ** RPG::Map::Encounter
# Summary of Changes:
# new method - marel_level
class Map::Encounter
# * Level
def marel_level
return $data_troops[troop_id].marel_level if $data_troops && $data_troops[troop_id]
return 0
# ** Game_Map
# Summary of Changes:
# new attr_accessor - marel_min_level; marel_max_level; marel_on
# aliased method - initialize; setup
# new method -marel_encounter_range
class Game_Map
# * Public Instance Variables
attr_accessor :marel_min_level
attr_accessor :marel_max_level
attr_accessor :marel_on
# * Object Initialization
alias marel_initz_5ha6 initialize
def initialize(*args, &block)
@marel_on = true
@marel_min_level = -5
@marel_max_level = 5
marel_initz_5ha6(*args, &block) # Call Original Method
# * Setup
alias marel_setup_4bt7 setup
def setup(*args, &block)
marel_setup_4bt7(*args, &block) # Call Original Method
if @map.note[/\\E[ _]?LE?VE?L\[\s*(V?)(-?\d+)[\s;,:]*(V?)(-?\d+)\s*\]/i]
min = $1.empty? ? $2.to_i : $game_variables[$2.to_i.abs]
max = $3.empty? ? $4.to_i : $game_variables[$4.to_i.abs]
@marel_min_level, @marel_max_level = *[min, max].sort
# * Marel Encounter Level Range
def marel_encounter_level_range
party = $game_party.battle_members
avg = party.empty? ? 0 :
(party.inject(0) { |sum, mem| sum + mem.level }) / party.size
(avg + marel_min_level)..(avg + marel_max_level)
# ** Game_Player
# Summary of Changes:
# aliased method - encounter_ok?
class Game_Player
# * Check if can encounter
alias marel_enctrok_2cf9 encounter_ok?
def encounter_ok?(encounter, *args, &block)
return false if $game_map.marel_on && !(encounter.marel_level == 0 ||
($game_map.marel_encounter_level_range === encounter.marel_level))
marel_enctrok_2cf9(encounter, *args, &block) # Call Original Method
# ** Game_Interpreter
# Summary of Changes:
# new method - set_encounter_level_range
class Game_Interpreter
# * Set Encounter Level Range
def set_encounter_level_range(min, max)
$game_map.marel_min_level, $game_map.marel_max_level = *[min, max].sort
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