ATS: Message Options
Version: 1.0.7
Author: modern algebra
Date: 28 January 2013
Version History
- <Version 1.0.7> 2013.01.28 - Fixed error where pitch would always be 100 if random range was equal
- <Version 1.0.6> 2013.01.27 - Slight adjustments for greater compatibility with ATS: Choice Options
- <Version 1.0.5> 2013.01.22 - Fixed an error with blank messages when using fit_window_to_text and wait commands.
- <Version 1.0.4> 2012.09.24 - Fixed an error where this script would sometimes break the alignment feature of ATS: Formatting
- <Version 1.0.3> 2012.09.22 - Added message codes to play SEs, MEs, animations and balloons while a message is showing
- <Version 1.0.2> 2012.09.08 - Made it so that the choice window is flush with the message window when the message window is not full sized
- <Version 1.0.1> 2012.09.08 - Fixed a bug where the name window would not dispose
- <Version 1.0.0> 2012.09.08 - Original Release
This script allows you to control a number of things about the message window, such as its size and position. It also provides for scrolling and review, and it includes the option to create a name window to identify the speaker (or for any other use).
- Show a name window to identify the speaker and control its position, border size, and more!
- Smoothly scroll through message windows by line or by page.
- Control the position of the message window directly, and this includes an option to show a message window above a specified character.
- Control the size of the message window, either directly or by fitting it to the longest line of text in a message window.
- Control the graphics of the message window, with the freedom to easily change the windowskin, the size of the border, or to replace the "dim" background with a picture of your choosing.
- Play a letter-by-letter sound effect, with control over the SE, frequency with which the SE is played, and an option to randomize pitch.
- Play chosen SEs on opening a message window, finishing a message window, terminating a message window, or waiting for player input.
- Use message codes to play SEs, MEs, animations and balloons while the message is showing.
If you are looking for other features from my VX script of the same name, then see some of the other scripts in the
ATS series.
Screenshots Instructions
Paste the script into its own slot in the Script Editor, above Main but below Materials. Aside from that, please see the instructions contained in the header, as well as those in the Editable Region beginning at line 125.
Please retrieve the script from
- eschalt, for an error report
- Venetian Gondolier, for an error report
Please post in this topic at RMRK if you have any questions, suggestions, or error reports.
Known Compatibility Issues
No currently known compatibility problems, but there might be issues with other non-ATS message systems.
Terms of Use
I adopt RMRK's default
Terms of Use.