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FA Interactive System update v 2.0 + 13 new engines

Started by Dark_falcao, August 24, 2012, 11:54:07 PM

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Hi everybody ^^

Here i present you my last scripting project, this script allow you interact, with events, game player, game map terrain tiles, game characters, the feeling of realism is inminent, in version 2.0 allow you to use powerful tools that allow the game developer to create a professional game.

Featuring the next 13 enguines

- Interactive Push system
- Interactive Pick Up system
- Interactive Fall System
- Interactive Jump System
- Interactive Sensor Vision System

  2.0 version! tools

- Interactive Tool HookShot
- Interactive Tool Flame Thrower
- Interactive Tool Bombs
- Interactive Tool Barrel
- Interactive Tool Blade
- Interactive Tool Arrows
- Interactive Dynamic Light Effects
- Interactive Dynamic Drop

All in one ^^

Changes on 2.0 version
- Added 8 more engines including tools
- Character graphic is showed when picking up an object
- Char anime has been applied
- Added an auto character graphic, so the tool anime are showed for every single character
- Fixed some minor bugs

It is important to know that this is not an ABS script, this just provide you a set of powerful engines for the game development, but if you are ingenious you can create even an abs system using this scrip kernel.

If you have any pixel movement script installed get rid of it otherwise it may alter the native X and X axis Rpg maker offer 

- The push system allow you to push events to your desire place, allow you to
press targets and easily  tell them to do something when collide, events can
press targets by themself if you give them movement

- The pick up system allow you to pick up events and move it wherever you want
when you throw the event you can easily tell them to do something afther

- The fall system allow you to fall to espeficific tiles, events fall, fallowers
fall, events can make the player fall, also you can make something happen
when an event fall

- The Jump System allow you to jump by triggering the action key, followers
jump together with the player.

- The Sensor vision system allow you to activate any event within a vision range
between the player and the event, the event deactivate when out range

- The tool hookshot allow you to pull yourself to a different positions in
the map, you can grab objects from x distance and also start events tagged

- The tool flame thrower alllow tou star events tagged, burn torchs, burn the
barrel etc, create a ligh effect to see in the darkness

- The tool bomb allow you to explode some areas activating events tagged,
bombs can be picked and throwed, game party is affected if the bomb hurt them

- The tool barrel is a native tool created for this system never seen before in
a game, you can make a lot of things as: use it as a lantern, pick up throw,
burn the barrel with the flame trower, can be grabbed with the hook shot,
allow tou to solve puzzles, push events from the push system and much more.

- The tool blade allow you clean your path by cutting grass or wherever you want
to do with it, also you can apply drop to it

- The tool Arrows aloow you to activate events from long distance, you can
interact with bombs like creating a bomb arrow at real time

- The dynamic light effects allow you to create real lights on event tagged
you can set intencity, direction and do a lot of things.

- The dynamic drop allow you to create events to drop items jus by tagging
a simple command.


All the instructions are inside the script, dont be scare it is very very easy to use, Plug and play


By Falcao

Demo version 2.0!

Script Wiki documentantion PDF

This wiki contain a very detailed information of this script, contains pictures explanation and more

Script  code

I recomend you to download demo but anyways here the code, you will need the graphic provided in the demo


Here a video showing the features of this amazing system:

Video of new version 2.0!

Video of the version 1.7 this no include tools


Quote from: Dark_falcao on August 24, 2012, 11:54:07 PM
Hi everybody ^^

Here i present you my last scripting project, this script allow you interact, with events, game player, game map terrain tiles, game characters, the feeling of realism is inminent.

Featuring the next 5 enguines

- Interactive Push system
- Interactive Pick Up system
- Interactive Fall System
- Interactive Jump System
- Interactive Sensor Vision System

All in one ^^

- The push system allow you to push events to your desire place, allow you to
press targets and easily  tell them to do something when collide, events can
press targets by themself if you give them movement

- The pick up system allow you to pick up events and move it wherever you want
when you throw the event you can easily tell them to do something afther

- The fall system allow you to fall to espeficific tiles, events fall, fallowers
fall, events can make the player fall, also you can make something happen
when an event fall

- The Jump System allow you to jump by triggering the action key, followers
jump together with the player.

- The Sensor vision system allow you to activate any event within a vision range
between the player and the event, the event deactivate when out range


All the instructions are inside the script, dont be scare it is very very easy to use, Plug and play


By Falcao


Script  code

I recomend you to download demo but anyways here the code jus plug and play to your project


Here a video showing the features of this amazing system

Its Awesome But I believe the Jumping A BIT work.
Its a bit sensitive, I think a high and low Jump option would be great.

Maybe next you could add Moving platforms (if you want).
Any ways, Amazing Job , One of the best scripts I have seen.

Could you make it compatible with sapphire battle system?

In sapphire battle system, Picking up and throwing works and Pushing Rocks works.
But the falling doesn't work, I think that is because of Pixel movement.

Its a great Job any ways.
You are free to what ever you want with your script, its Amazing and gives a lot of features.


For the jumping i used the default method from rmvx ace, if you feel it is jumping too fast change the @jump delay time on the jump script block.

Yes im thinking of adding the moving platform.

Well, this script is based on X and Y axis to perform actions, using a pixel movement script may alter that native properies from rpg maker.

But anyways a i gonna check it to see what happening

Any other features you have in mind for the script you are free to suggest anything 


Well there is a new version of this script

I added 8 more engines + powerfull tools for the game development

Read main post for details, also watch the video i made for this system


Link's faulty, may be to do with SMF, it's probably not your fault.
Also, might I suggest making a no-jump region you can't jump over?


Quote from: Wiimeiser on September 06, 2012, 02:08:42 PM
Link's faulty, may be to do with SMF, it's probably not your fault.
Also, might I suggest making a no-jump region you can't jump over?

I pasted the link again, seem to be working now.

You have a command for enable or disable the jump system wherever you want


What I meant was, you shouldn't be able to jump through walls.


Quote from: Wiimeiser on September 06, 2012, 03:23:13 PM
What I meant was, you shouldn't be able to jump through walls.

Have you try the script?

You cannot jump through walls even through events


You can jump over and into the walls in TileA4 for some reason. You can jump over events(but I don't think that's a bad thing...)


I added a wiki documentation about this script

It contains very detailed information about this systen

Get it at the main post


Quote from: Wiimeiser on September 07, 2012, 03:09:48 AM
You can jump over and into the walls in TileA4 for some reason. You can jump over events(but I don't think that's a bad thing...)

You cannot JUMP over impasable tiles there is no way, but you have to know that RPG MAKER VX ACE let you walk on impasable tiles at the top of any wall (i dont know why they did that)

So thats a bug from enterbrain


Took a look at the new version, Ideally you should make the fall tag & weapon IDs Tileset/Weapon specific via notetags. Also, you should do a skill ring thing like Lufia II (You'd still need to make the hammer, though, and assign the blade to a different button to make it more Lufia-accurate)
EDIT: Also, unless I'm missing something it's impossible to complete the bomb room because the gap's too wide to throw the bomb across. It's impossible to complete the first barrel room as well, since you can't destroy the barrel or cross the pit. Also I'll try and get a video of the wall glitch sometime, if I remember.


Im not updating this script anymore, have you ever watched the 2.0 video? or you didn't noticed that you equip the tools as weapons, at the arrow room just hit the bomb with the arrow to make a bomb arrow at real time.

There is nothing imposible at that demo it has puzzles you have to solve not me >_<

The tools IDs and terrain tags keep the same, i think it is not a big deal putting a number as id into the scrip


This script is a Patch for the FA Interactive system 2.0 this scripts adds a pack of bug fixes and some add-ons, the most visible feature of this script is the quick tool selection feature and the mini hud on map displaying the equipped tool and the item cost.


- Display a quick tool selection menu
- Display interactive weapon icon on map
- Display item cost value below interactive weapon icon

* Service pack add-ons and fixes

- Added move animation to Game_Arrow
- Added one more non movable method by input keys when using a tool
- Added mouse support (plugin is activated if Mouse System button is installe
- You can now add more weapon ids to be used as interactive weapon
- Fixed minor bug when planting bombs or a barrel next to fall tiles
- Fixed bug when making a bomb arrow at real time (bomb movemenmet now reset)
- Fixed bug when bomb explode forcing the player to remove pick up graphic


This is a very unoffensive small script with some great features to the Interactive system,  Paste this script BELOW FA Interactive System 2.0

Get the patch here at my blog

Here some pictures


For some reason the patch has broken the hookshot. It freezes when you hook something, like the pull routine's busted.


Quote from: Wiimeiser on September 19, 2012, 11:41:14 AM
For some reason the patch has broken the hookshot. It freezes when you hook something, like the pull routine's busted.

Yes youre right already update the patch.

Always keep this code up to date


Another bug with the hookshot: If it crosses the edge of a looping map and doesn't grab anything(only tested with Grapple Pull) the parts of the hookshot on the other side of the map edge will go the wrong way and loop around to the player.


Quote from: Wiimeiser on September 20, 2012, 09:57:37 AM
Another bug with the hookshot: If it crosses the edge of a looping map and doesn't grab anything(only tested with Grapple Pull) the parts of the hookshot on the other side of the map edge will go the wrong way and loop around to the player.

Everything is working fine, i tested in different ways

Enjoy the script


Proof the hook breaks on looping map edges

note the scrollbar at the bottom:

Also, I think the "Fall" tiles should be tileset-specific, not global.


The link don't work :( . I want link to demo and wiki :p .
It redirects me to mp3 page.
Does anyone has demo to upload ?


So when I use HOOK PULL, it pulls me into solid events that I can't get out of. Any way to fix it so that it pulls me one tile away from the thing I grab onto?
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Quote from: veltonvelton on November 21, 2012, 11:00:36 PM
So when I use HOOK PULL, it pulls me into solid events that I can't get out of. Any way to fix it so that it pulls me one tile away from the thing I grab onto?

I guest you are using a tileset as pull object
Make sure your pull object priority is 'Same as characters' NOT below


I'm using the bottom of a tree. Still doesn;t work though, on any priority.
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Why am I 'training wheels'??


Also, is it possible to change the throw distance? I just want thrown things to go one tile away.
  • Web designer
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Quote from: veltonvelton on November 22, 2012, 12:41:28 AM
I'm using the bottom of a tree. Still doesn;t work though, on any priority.

Make sure your event is nor paralle process too, if not just use a sprite insted an tileset graphic

The throw distance is a fixed value you cannot change it