Composite Faces
Hello there. I recently started production on a new RMVX game. While this isn't exactley headline news for somebody like me. (I abandon projects too often...) In my new game, it is possible to completely create your own unique character, through use of Modern Algebra's Composite Characters, as well as some eventing magic on my part.
What I would like is a script that works much like Modern Algebra's Composite Characters, but for an actor's face instead of their sprite. Now I know what you may be thinking, if I were to try showing an actor's composite face in an event, I wouldn't be able too, because RMVX does not display faces based on actor IDs. This is what makes this script it's own. Besides the obvious of course, being that it makes faces not sprites. I would also like a text tag that displays an actor's face when read, but does not show up in the text box.
As some of you may or may not already know. Modern Algebra's Composite Characters also allows an actor's worn armour to effect their sprite, through use of notebox tags. I would like a similar feature that allows worn armour to show up over top of the face of it's wearer. In case you're still not entirely sure, I mean that when a tag is written in the notebox of a specific piece of armour, an image will be added on top of it. Whether the image will sit in the system folder or the pictures folder, I do not care. As long as it functions correctly.
Additional Notes
Any image added by a helmet should be displayed above all other images. Just add priorities like in Composite Characters.
•I'm thinking that any image that isn't added by worn equipment should be added into a certain slot, with a maximum of four slots per image. Slot 1 being replaced by helmet graphics. Slot 2 being replace by clothes or body armour graphics, Slot 3 being replaced by accessories, and Slot 4 not being replaced by anything. This is just for my use. It may make sense to have this changable for any other users.
I would like it if there was a notebox tag that could be added to body armour, or if it's simpler, any piece of equipment, that make it show below accessories. Maybe something like "[Clothes]". Priorities. They can do this.
•As I've mentioned the script 3 times, Composite Characters can be found here: