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[RESOLVED]Help creating a interest event

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Level 86
I am trieng to make a way to make it so When my character comes accross somthing interesting or treasure that a question mark shows up above his head and stays there as long as the character stands on that event but the question mar will go awaywhen the character moves off the event. Anyone able to help me with this?
Also if you ever played Final Fantasy 9 this is a feature in that game I am trieng to find a example of it when i do ill post it thank you
EDIT: I found a small example of what im looking for. See Attachment
« Last Edit: August 01, 2012, 12:47:29 AM by BloodyChaos »

Level 59
Practice makes Petrucci!
2013 Best RPG Maker User (Story)Gold - GIAW 11 (Normal)
Use a common event I guess? When you stand on the part that signifies something interesting nearby, call a common event that shows the exclamation balloon above the characters head.
"Pursue happiness with diligence."


Level 97
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So is it a whole region where the question mark should show up? Or is it just a single square?

Level 86
I'm srry let me rephrase it lol my bad. Once the question mark shows up by stepping on it I would it if then you can click on it to activate a scene that it was signaling or pick up the treasure it was signaling. I can get the question mark to show up I just can't get it to activate a different action by hitting an action key

Level 59
Practice makes Petrucci!
2013 Best RPG Maker User (Story)Gold - GIAW 11 (Normal)
Don't worry about it :)

(If it's just a single square as Modern Algebra asked)
Go into common events in your database and make a new common event. Call it 'Exclamation" or whatever you'd like. Set it to parallel process, and no condition switch is necessary, so leave that blank.

In contents, all you have to do is make the event "Show Balloon Icon-Player, Exclamation". Simples, yeah?

Then the spots where you want the exclamation to pop up, you just set an event
>Priority-Below player
>Trigger-Player Touch

And in contents, have it call a common event. Call the event 'Exclamation' (or whatever you called it) and that's all you need to do. Now, when you walk over the event in your game, the bubble will pop up and disappear when you're not on it.
"Pursue happiness with diligence."


Level 86
@Modern Algebra- well I guess either or would work honestly I could use both an area for cutscenes and a square for treasure would be preferable

Level 86
I did that and the question mark worked like a charm, now how can I get it to do somthing else if i hit an action key, I guess two events in one sort of

Level 59
Practice makes Petrucci!
2013 Best RPG Maker User (Story)Gold - GIAW 11 (Normal)
Hm, I'm actually a little stumped at this myself! I'll blame the rum to protect my dignity if it's an easy answer :P I was originally going to suggest a conditional branch of some sort, but that doesn't seem to work <_<

Damn rum.
"Pursue happiness with diligence."


Level 86
Ok so after I have the question mark as a common event set up put it in the event and set it to player touch (And it works fine) I set a conditional branch to enter key being pressed to activate the cutscene it only works if I am hold enter while I walk onto the event but not if I press it after already being on the event?

Level 70
RMRK Junior
Hi there, i had a similar problem some time ago
what i did was create 7 variables
hero x
hero y
item location x
item location y
distance x
distance y
minimum distance

to set it u can use a common event(not really needed but u can)
or u can set the "hidden box" to do it
any way u will make the box a Parallel process and set it to register the location  of the main hero(hero x y)
and it self(item location x y)
open condition to see who is higher player x or item x
if item them distance x = item x
 then distance x - hero x

else distance x = hero x
 then distance x - item x

now the catch after the x condition is set
define minimum distance variable = distance x

do the same for the y
but at the end(after the condition)
define minimum distance variable + distance y

now u will set another condition
if minimum distance <= 2 (or 3)
  show what u want (se or a balloon)
then to finish make the final verification
if minimum distance = 0
 if player press button c
   give the item to the hero with a message
   set self switch a on

now make a new page set to self switch a
for every diferent item u will need the 5 last variables
the good thing is u will be able to reuse them in any map u want
so if u only plan to put up to 3 items at one map at a time then u will need only 3x
 (2item 2distance and minimum)
besides u can also reuse those variables if u doesnt need them at a particular map
u can use it to make special traps
also u can configure for a chance to get at each button press that will raise the closer u get to the origin point
or also a healling/poison mist that will heal/damage u more based on ur proximity to its point
if u want i can give u a demo i made(for rmvxa )
"To the scientist there is the joy in pursuing truth which nearly counteracts the depressing revelations of truth."
H. P. Lovecraft

Level 86
Thats pretty crazy lol I have never used variables before honestly but Im defenetly going to give it my best shot. I would really love to try that demo! :D Thank you btw thats really helpful I'll give it a try

Level 70
RMRK Junior
"To the scientist there is the joy in pursuing truth which nearly counteracts the depressing revelations of truth."
H. P. Lovecraft

Level 86
I think im going to have to look at some tutorials on variables to make total sence if it but it works perfect thank you very much :)

Level 70
RMRK Junior
Did u downloaded?
did it worked for u?
Is it what u needed?

if the answers to these question is yes. yes. and Hell yeah!!!
then im glad i could help 8)
anything i can help just ask.
"To the scientist there is the joy in pursuing truth which nearly counteracts the depressing revelations of truth."
H. P. Lovecraft

Level 86
Yes yes and Hell Yes!!! lol ya worked completly perfect, now my only question is what if I wanted to make it so there was no range just one tile to notify with a bubble and activate?

Level 70
RMRK Junior
well thats the beauty
u can costumize the detection for every one hidden item
for example in a desert u can set it for 3-4 tiles away (with variable type of "detector signal")
but in a smaller dungeon u can set it to 1 sqm
to do that u just have to change  the     - minimum distance <= 3 to 2 -
or 1 to make it "bip" only when the player is really close (ie. beside the item)
so it will became like this

                  in a <=2      in a <=1
                  oo*oo         ooooo
                  o***o        oo*oo       
                  **x**        o*x*o
                  o***o        oo*oo
                   oo*oo        ooooo

 this is a  5x5 space around the emiter
the o is the sqm non detected
the * is the detection
and the x is the emiter

u can change it to make the range whatever u want it to be for that particular item
AND u can make a detector like the dragon radar from dragon ball so at longer distance
it will make a sound effect every x frames but the closer u get u will get faster bips (by using smaller wait frames)
until ure next to it and the bip will go crazy

hope i was helpfull anything else just ask ^^
"To the scientist there is the joy in pursuing truth which nearly counteracts the depressing revelations of truth."
H. P. Lovecraft

Level 86
Wow thank you, if you came up with this on your own your a genius this is awsome, and I understood it this time lol thank very very helpful because I have an abandoned mansion and this is perfect for exploring it for all its hidden secerets :D

Level 70
RMRK Junior
its actually pretty simple, just a little out of the box
anyway im happy i could help ya
anything (puzzle-event oriented) or logic stuff
or even history and lore
u can talk to me i'll try my best to help

now all i need is a lot of money, go back to the gym, regain my heart(since i lost it to the corporation i've feeling alittle materialistic)
and i will became iron man!!!!!!
"To the scientist there is the joy in pursuing truth which nearly counteracts the depressing revelations of truth."
H. P. Lovecraft

Level 86
Haha XD nice

Level 86
So I switched >=2 to >=0 and now it only works if my character is standing on the event, perfect