Alright fellas, it's time, it's here, it's now.
The D og D ays of A ugust ,
A.K.A. The Guilds 3.0 ,
A.K.A. Horrible Failure Act 3 ,
is upon us at last. </fadark>
By popular request, and with community support, I bring you our third attempt at making cool shit in groups over 3 members with a timeframe of more than a single week. This time, with a rather reality-TV esque spin, suggested by our very own Modern Algebra (who we love very much, and is sooo not the most unsung staff member).
The C urrent P hase We are currently H EATING U P! This phase will end on Saturday, August 11th, at 11:59am EST
The R ules ,
A.K.A. How this shit goes down. Team Signup Rules
The Picking Process
The Competition Proper
Spoiler for :
The D og D ays of A ugust will take place in week long slices.
Week 0: July 22nd through July 28th,
The Concept Phase For this week, the guild is required to plan out their project. Concept Art and Writing can be done, but no "official" work can begin on the game. What is "official" is up to the discretion of the competition moderator (NAMKCOR). This includes but is not limited to face sets, sprites, sprite sheets, battlers, music, scripts, or libraries that are intended to be in the project proper. Stylistic examples are fine. On Saturday the 28th, each guild MUST submit a concept post to be judged by the panel. Full disclosure is not necessary, however feature teasers, art teasers, and story teasers are perfect. These teasers must be made in the public Concept Showcase thread (to be made). Week 1: July 29th through August 4th,
ROUND 1 Work on the game proper can begin! Halfway through week 1 (Wednesday the 1st), a challenge will be announced. Each team is required to fulfill the challenge conditions, or recieve a failing mark for the week. The challenge is due on Saturday the 4th. These submissions will be judged in secret by the panel. Week 2: August 5th through August 11th,
HEATING UP Work on the game proper continues Halfway through week 2 (Wednesday the 8th), a challenge will be announced. Each team is required to fulfill the challenge conditions, or recieve a failing mark for the week. The challenge is due on Saturday the 11th. These submissions will be judged in secret by the panel. Week 3: August 12th through August 18th,
SWELTERING FURY Work on the game proper continues Halfway through week 3 (Wednesday the 15th), a challenge will be announced. Each team is required to fulfill the challenge conditions, or recieve a failing mark for the week. The challenge is due on Saturday the 18th. These submissions will be judged in secret by the panel. Week 4: July 19th through August 25th,
SHOWDOWN Work on the game proper must be completed! There will be no challenge in the showdown week On Saturday the 25th, at 12:00 EST, all games must be submitted to the contest moderator (NAMKCOR). They will be distributed to the panel to be judged, then released to the public the day of results. !!! PLEASE NOTE !!!
Community resource usage is 100% fine, HOWEVER, nothing can be custom made for the game by anyone who is not a guild member.
Judgement Rules
Spoiler for :
Each of the judges is required to give a score between 0 and 5 points, based on how well a team completes the week's challenge. This includes how complete the challenge was, how well they adhered to the challenge requirements, and if they went off course, or broke any of the challenge rules. For final game judgement, each judge will give a score of 0 to 5 based on the overall quality, execution, style, and entertainment of the game. This can be a personal score, but it is recommended that one takes into account how well put together a game is, and not penalize it solely on not being fun to you. Scores for each challenge must be in the day after the challenge is due. Scores for the final game must be turned in the week after they are due. Scores do NOT have to be whole numbers. How the Winners are Decided
The G uild Leaders The G uild Hopefuls IAMFORTE - Mapper Bayard - Jack-of-all-Trades/Mascot Madurai - Writer/Eventer/Mapper blackjackal211 - Writer/Musician Omri Lahav - Musician Lethrface - Spriter Qwerty - Writer cozziekuns - Eventer/Scripter fci525 - Writer/DialogueComputerZombies - Writer Pacman - Scripting/Eventing Cloudfall - Music/Mapping Brady - Eventing/Mapping/Spriter Mustidie - Writer/Artist Epicrolo - Musician 7RacerBoy77 - Eventer/Writer Statesman88 - Mapper/Eventer BadWolf - Writer Gallade - Storyboarder/Eventer Jomarcenter - Grammar? Iunno. MelynnRose - Artist/Spriter Anski - Writer/Concept Artist/Queen misterdelta99 - Writer/Music TDS - Scripting Guru The J udges Holk Firerain NightwolfIrock Amycha19 Joy[/li[