Last night, Valve finally released the level creator / editor DLC for Portal 2. It's free and automatically added to Portal 2, and
Portal 2 is currently on a 2-day -66% sale. If you don't have Portal 2, now is the perfect time to get it. This is also a good time to add each other to steam. Check the
online game information thread for links to steam profiles, including mine.
Here we can share our chambers we've made with the editor
I'll start with 2 of mine. Feel free to copy/paste as a template for your own.
RophboxDifficulty: Easy, straightforward
Time to finish: about 2-4 mins
Complete?: done
RMRK TowerDifficulty: Medium, needs some thinking
Time to finish: about 5 mins
Complete?: Still working on this, the screenshot is already outdated
Notes: Currently is finishable. You have to take the companion cube all the way with you to the very top. You need it up there.