So again you prove you're retarded and you have no idea how money works.
1. Recession occurs
2. Poorer areas like Detroit and Chicago are hit especially hard
3. People save up money and avoid buying new cars
4. Car manufacturers suffer huge losses because of this
5. Pretty much all of the poor people living in Detroit and Chicago work in car factories and lose their jobs.
6. Government gives money to car manufacturers
7. People in areas hit hardest by recession get their jobs back
8. They get money to put back in the economy!
9. Profit! (Literally!)
I'm not even going to touch the fishing comment because that's just stupid and irrelevant when you apply it to an entire nation.
Another thing I'd like to point out is your lack of distinction between the government and the economy, especially for someone so laissez faire as yourself.
Well, there's the government employees(who get paid more than private employees) who have to do the paperwork for all of that.
If a company is doing bad, it might be because, in that instance, maybe they should diverse instead of focusing heavily on cars, maybe they were too regulated(once again, the government's fault), maybe they should exchange different goods/services.
For the most part, companies go down for a reason. The government can't make a company more effective, but they can change their playing field. If they take tax money and give it to companies not doing so well, that's rewarding companies that don't have their stuff together and essentially rewarding failure. It's harsh that people have to lose jobs, and you would think that giving a company money would save it, but it doesn't work that way. It's basically giving a friend money who wastes it on things they don't need and them coming back for more.
In regards to Germany, they are a more efficient country, they are more willing to save money. What I'm saying is, maybe instead of Germany giving other countries money, the other countries could just learn from how they do things.