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[VX] Monster Duelists

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Rep: +0/-0Level 69
Monster Duelists RPG


Visit the link above for Screenshots, Complete Monster list and a Skill List!


A Team of people called Total Control is out to get all the Legendary monsters in order to take over the world.
You're job is to find those Legendary monsters before them, and bring Total Control to an end!
You will meet many talented duelists along you way and will get help by many people including Doctor Notorious.

So we've all played Pokemon, YuGiOh and Digimon in our days.
Even tho we all say we haven't, we all know deep in our hearts that we actually enjoyed it.

But there's also something that we all feel was missing from all those games.


Monster Duelists will change this, for once.

A whole new Battle Style featuring up to 4 Monsters at once.

And over 70 monsters to fight and play.

6 Different types including: Volcan, Hydra, Storm, Nature, Undead and Illusion.

More than 10 different Tiers (level of monster strength)

Over 50 different Skills, each with different and unique effects including: Mind Control, Suicide Temptation, Bio, Spirit Curse, Hell Flame, Lightning Tornado, Blizzard and more!

The game is still in development, but there is a demo that I added today.

I welcome anyone to register and help.


Level 71
Plot seems a bit typical but it still looks fun so I'll play it. About your maps, there not bad but I have a few concerns. For starters you seem to be crowding your maps, as well as doing something with walls between floors. Your maps seem to be kind of illogical. For example the ice house in the grass area, I mean no offense by this and wish you the best luck.

Rep: +0/-0Level 69
Thanks, I just made the village quickly trying to figure out how I want to make it (and the rest of the game)
hence why I'm somewhat asking for help if anyone is interested.
I'm used to XP but VX's mapping if still cool.

Getting good Mappers to help with the project would be nice.
But right now i'm just alone trying to figure out how it will look like while i write / draw stuff on paper.