I was using this script in VX, but it doesn't work in Ace, if it wouldn't take much work, could someone please tweak it to work for Ace?
I think this would be beneficial to a lot of people, it's a pretty cool script.
Complete/in process of being complete#==============================================================================
# Dynamic Sound Emitting Areas/Events (VX)
# Version 2.0
# Author: modern algebra (rmrk.net)
# Date: August 9, 2008
# Description:
# This script allows you to set a bgm, bgs, se, and me to areas or events and
# it dynamically adjusts the volume depending on how far the player is from
# the area or event, thus creating the impression that the sound is emitting
# from that area or event.
# Instructions:
# For setting up an event, all you need to do is place a comment in the
# first lines of a page with any number of these codes:
# \SNDEMIT[stat = value]
# The possible stats to set are:
# bgm_name = 'Name of BGM you wish to emit' (Default = '')
# bgm_pitch = the pitch of the BGM, from 50 to 150 (Default = 100)
# bgm_radius = the radius, in squares, of BGM range. (Default = 10)
# bgm_max_volume = The maximum volume of the BGM (Default = 100)
# bgs_name = 'Name of BGS you wish to emit' (Default = '')
# bgs_pitch = the pitch of the BGS, from 50 to 150 (Default = 100)
# bgs_radius = the radius, in squares, of BGS range. (Default = 10)
# bgs_max_volume = The maximum volume of the BGS (Default = 100)
# se_name = 'Name of SE you wish this area to emit' (Default = '')
# se_pitch = the pitch of the SE, from 50 to 150 (Default = 100)
# se_radius = the radius, in squares, of the SE range (Default = 10)
# se_max_volume = the maximum volume of the SE (Default = 100)
# se_frames = the number of frames between playing the SE (Default = 20)
# se_frame_variance = the variance off se_frames (Default = 0)
# me_name = 'Name of ME you wish this area to emit' (Default = '')
# me_pitch = the pitch of the ME, from 50 to 150 (Default = 100)
# me_radius = the radius, in squares, of the ME range (Default = 10)
# me_max_volume = the maximum volume of the ME (Default = 100)
# me_frames = the number of frames between playing the ME (Default = 20)
# me_frame_variance = the variance off me_frames (Default = 0)
# Set this in a comment of an event:
# \sndemit[se_name = 'Chicken']
# \SndEmit[se_max_volume = 80]
# \sNdeMit[se_frames = 440]
# \SNDEMIT[se_frame_variance = 60]
# And the event will play the sound effect 'Chicken' at a max volume of 80
# with a range of 10. It will repeat this SE every 380 - 500 frames
# ** RPG::Area
# Summary of Changes:
# new instance variables - se_frames, se_frame_variance, me_frames,
# me_frame_variance
# new methods - setup_sound_emissions, bgm, bgs, me, se, bgm?, bgs?, se?,
# me?, volume, update_se, update_me
class RPG::Area
# * Public Instance Variables
attr_reader :sound_emission
# * Setup Sound Emissions
def setup_sound_emissions
s = @sound_emission = RPG::Sound_Emission.new
case @id
# Set this region up in this way:
# when area_id
# s.stat = value
# The stats and possible values are recorded in the initial header.
# You can set as many of them as you like.
# when 1 # Waterfall
# # BGS
# s.bgs_name = 'River'
# s.bgs_radius = 15
# s.bgs_max_volume = 110
# Will make it so that Area 1 will emit the BGS 'River' at a max volume
# of 110% within a radius of 15 squares
when 1 # Area 1
when 4 # Area 4
@sound_emission.rect = self.rect
# ** RPG::Sound_Emission
# This class holds data relating to a sound emitting area
class RPG::Sound_Emission
# * Public Instance Variables
attr_accessor :rect
attr_accessor :bgs_name
attr_accessor :bgs_pitch
attr_accessor :bgs_radius
attr_accessor :bgs_max_volume
attr_accessor :bgm_name
attr_accessor :bgm_pitch
attr_accessor :bgm_radius
attr_accessor :bgm_max_volume
attr_accessor :se_name
attr_accessor :se_pitch
attr_accessor :se_radius
attr_accessor :se_max_volume
attr_accessor :se_frames
attr_accessor :se_frame_variance
attr_accessor :me_name
attr_accessor :me_pitch
attr_accessor :me_radius
attr_accessor :me_max_volume
attr_accessor :me_frames
attr_accessor :me_frame_variance
# * Setup Sound Emissions
def initialize
# Set Default Values
@rect = Rect.new (0, 0, 0, 0)
# Default values
@bgs_name, @bgs_pitch, @bgs_radius, @bgs_max_volume, @bgm_name, @bgm_pitch,
@bgm_radius, @bgm_max_volume, @se_name, @se_pitch, @se_radius,
@se_max_volume, @me_name, @me_pitch, @me_radius, @me_max_volume,
@se_frames, @se_frame_variance, @me_frames, @me_frame_variance = '', 100,
10, 100, '', 100, 10, 100, '', 100, 10, 100 , '', 100, 10, 100, 20, 0, 20, 0
# * Initialize Frame Counts
def initialize_frame_counts
@se_frame_count = @se_frames + rand (2*@se_frame_variance).floor - @se_frame_variance
@me_frame_count = @me_frames + rand (2*@me_frame_variance).floor - @me_frame_variance
# * Update Sound
def update
@stopped = false
bgm.play if @bgm_name != ''
bgs.play if @bgs_name != ''
update_se if @se_name != ''
update_me if @me_name != ''
# * Stop Sound
def stop
return if @stopped
RPG::BGM.stop if @bgm_name != ''
RPG::BGS.stop if @bgs_name != ''
@stopped = true
# * BGM
def bgm
@bgm = RPG::BGM.new (@bgm_name, 0, @bgm_pitch) if @bgm == nil
@bgm.volume = volume (@bgm_radius, @bgm_max_volume)
return @bgm
# * BGS
def bgs
@bgs = RPG::BGS.new (@bgs_name, 0, @bgs_pitch) if @bgs == nil
@bgs.volume = volume (@bgs_radius, @bgs_max_volume)
return @bgs
# * SE
def se
@se = RPG::SE.new (@se_name, 0, @se_pitch) if @se == nil
@se.volume = volume (@se_radius, @se_max_volume)
return @se
# * SE Update
def update_se
if @se_frame_count == 0
@se_frame_count = @se_frames + rand (2*@se_frame_variance).floor - @se_frame_variance
@se_frame_count -= 1
# * ME
def me
@me = RPG::ME.new (@me_name, 0, @me_pitch) if @me == nil
@me.volume = volume (@me_radius, @me_max_volume)
return @me
# * ME Update
def update_me
if @me_frame_count == 0
@me_frame_count = @me_frames + rand (2*@me_frame_variance).floor - @me_frame_variance
@me_frame_count -= 1
# * Volume
def volume (radius, max_volume)
x, y = $game_player.x, $game_player.y
# Determine distance between position and the sound emitting object
xd, yd = x - @rect.x, y - @rect.y
# Evaluate X distance
xd > 0 ? xd = x.between? (@rect.x, @rect.x + @rect.width) ? 0 : xd - @rect.width : xd *= -1
# Evaluate Y distance
yd > 0 ? yd = y.between? (@rect.y, @rect.y + @rect.height) ? 0 :yd - @rect.height : yd *= -1
# Calculate the total distance
total_distance = Math.sqrt(xd*xd + yd*yd).ceil.to_i
# Get the percentage of max volume
percent = (total_distance.to_f / radius.to_f)*100
percent = (100 - [percent, 100].min).to_f / 100.0
return (percent*max_volume.to_f).to_i
# ** Game_Event
# Summary of Changes:
# aliased method - setup, update
class Game_Event
# * Setup
# page : the new page
alias ma_sound_emit_obj_stp_event_pg_85nd setup
def setup (new_page)
# Run Original Method
ma_sound_emit_obj_stp_event_pg_85nd (new_page)
@sound_emission.stop unless @sound_emission.nil?
# If page is legitimate
unless @page == nil
s = @sound_emission = RPG::Sound_Emission.new
@sound_emission.rect = Rect.new (@x, @y, 1, 1)
# Evaluate comments
comments = []
@page.list.each { |i| i.code == 108 || i.code == 408 ? comments.push (i) : break }
# Evaluate comments for \SNDEMIT codes
comments.each { |i|
text = i.parameters[0].dup
while text.sub! (/\\SNDEMIT\[(.+)\]/i) { '' } != nil
eval ("@sound_emission." + $1.to_s)
# * Frame Update
alias modalg_snd_emssn_script_upd_evnt_4n2 update
def update
# Run Original Event
return if @sound_emission.nil?
@sound_emission.rect.x, @sound_emission.rect.y = @x, @y
# ** Game_Map
# Summary of Changes:
# aliased method - update, setup
class Game_Map
# * Setup
# map_id : the ID of the map
alias modalg_dynamic_snd_emit_stup_rn4 setup
def setup(map_id)
@areas.each { |area| area.sound_emission.stop } unless @areas.nil?
# Run Original Method
modalg_dynamic_snd_emit_stup_rn4 (map_id)
# Get all areas that belong to this map
@areas = []
$data_areas.values.each { |area| @areas.push (area) if map_id == area.map_id }
# Ensure Area Sound Effects are setup
@areas.each { |i| i.setup_sound_emissions if i.sound_emission == nil }
@advanced_areas = false
# Test for exception thrown on .active?
@advanced_areas = true
# * Update
alias modalg_dyn_sound_emitting_objects_upd_4h3 update
def update
# Run Original Map
# For all area
@areas.each { |area|
@advanced_areas && !area.active? ? area.sound_emission.stop : area.sound_emission.update
from the author:
That's fine, though anyone who takes the request would be better off writing it anew. The script was poorly designed, plus with VXA adding regions instead of areas, the script would be better if it took that into account.
Anyway, it's fine with me if someone converts it.