Variable & Switch Binding
Version: 1.0a
Author: modern algebra
Date: June 8, 2012
Version History
- <Version 1.0a> 2012.06.08 - Fixed a bug that would occur with non-conforming comments.
- <Version 1.0> 2012.04.20 - Original Release
This script allows you to bind in-game switches and variables to specified expressions such that they will always correspond. As an example, if you want a particular variable to always track the MP of a specified actor, you can use this script to bind it to that value, and whenever the MP of the actor increases or decreases, so will the value of the variable without any further interference by you.
- Conveniently allows you to create variables and switches which permanently correspond to other values in the game.
Paste this script into its own slot in the Script Editor, above Main but below Materials.
Please refer to the header for detailed instructions on use.
# Variable & Switch Binding
# Version: 1.0a
# Author: modern algebra (
# Date: June 8, 2012
# Support:,45809.0.html
# Description:
# This script allows you to bind in-game switches and variables to specified
# expressions such that they will always correspond. As an example, if you
# want a particular variable to always track the MP of a specified actor, you
# can use this script to bind it to that value, and whenever the MP of the
# actor increases or decreases, so will the value of the variable without any
# further interference by you.
# Instructions:
# Paste this script into its own slot in the Script Editor, above Main but
# below Materials.
# This script may require some scripting knowledge in that you may need to
# know the code for desired expressions.
# Please keep in mind that while a switch or variable is bound, it cannot be
# operated on; you need to unbind the variable before you can operate on it.
# Binding Switches:
# At its most basic level, the following codes, placed in a script call, are
# all that you need to know in order to bind or unbind switches:
# bind_switch(switch_id, "expression", monitor?)
# unbind_switch(switch_id)
# switch_id : replace this with the integer ID of the switch you are binding
# (or unbinding).
# expression : replace this with the particular scripting expression that you
# are seeking to track.
# monitor? : replace this with true or false. You should set this to true
# if the switch or variable you are binding are conditions on an event page
# or common event and you expect the value to change in the relevant map.
# This should be set to true only when necessary, as it can cause lag if
# you are monitoring hundreds of these values.
# bind_switch(7, "", true)
# Switch 7 would be true whenever the player is pressing CTRL and false
# otherwise. Since monitor? is true, event pages and common events will
# be automatically updated whenever the player is pressing CTRL. If
# monitor? had been set to false, that would not happen.
# unbind_switch(7)
# Switch 7 would no longer be bound to anything - its value will be the
# current value of the previously bound expression, but it is freed from
# it and can now be modified again.
# Also, please be aware that if expressions are longer than one line, you
# will need to split them up. You can do this by setting them to a local
# variable, like so:
# a = "(Graphics.frame_count / 60)"
# a += " % 2 == 0"
# bind_switch(13, a)
# That would bind the value of switch 13 to being ON when the number of
# seconds played is even and OFF when odd.
# Binding Variables:
# Variables can be set in a similar way with the codes:
# bind_variable(variable_id, "expression", monitor?)
# unbind_variable(variable_id)
# However, with variables, you can also bind it to any of the regular Control
# Variable options by simply placing one of the following comments above a
# regular Control Variable event command:
# Bind Variable
# Bind and Monitor Variable
# Naturally, the latter will both bind and monitor the next variable, while
# the former only binds it. Please note two things however. Firstly, it will
# only bind if you are setting it to a variable, to game data, or to a script.
# If you are setting it directly to an integer or setting it to a
# random number, then it will not bind. Secondly, if you are not directly
# setting but are performing some other operation like addition or division,
# then the current value of the variable will always be added to the
# expression. See the second example.
# @>Comment: Bind variable
# @>Control Variable: [0007: Map] = Map ID
# Variable 7 would now be bound to the map ID, so that it will always
# return the ID of the map the party is currently within.
# @>Control Variable: [0016: Hand Axes] = 3
# @>Comment: bind and monitor variable
# @>Control Variable: [0016: Hand Axes] -= [Hand Ax] in Inventory
# Variable 16 would always be equal to 3 minus the current number of hand
# axes in the inventory. Further, this is monitored so if you have an event
# page with a condition like Variable 16 is 1 or above, then that event
# will update to that page as soon as the party has less than 3 Hand Axes.
# You can still only unbind variables with the call script noted at line 76.
$imported ||= {}
$imported[:MA_VariableSwitchBinding] = true
MAVSB_MONITOR_SCENES = [:Scene_Map, :Scene_Battle]
# *** DataManager
# Summary of Changes:
# aliased method - self.create_game_objects; self.extract_save_contents
# new method - self.init_mavsb_data
class << DataManager
# * Create Game Objects
alias mavsb_creategmobj_1ji8 create_game_objects
def create_game_objects(*args, &block)
mavsb_creategmobj_1ji8(*args, &block)
# * Extract Save Contents
alias mavsb_extracsave_4hs6 extract_save_contents
def extract_save_contents(*args, &block)
mavsb_extracsave_4hs6(*args, &block) # Call Original Method
init_mavsb_data if !$game_variables.is_a?(MA_SwitchVariableBinding)
# * Initialize MAVSB Data
def init_mavsb_data
# *** MA Switch & Variable Binding
# This module mixes in to Game_Switches and Game_Variables and provides the
# basic mechanism for binding.
module MA_SwitchVariableBinding
# * Initialize MAVSB Data
def initialize_mavsb_data
@mavsb_bind_hash = {}
@mavsb_monitor_array = []
# * Update Monitored Values
def mavsb_update_monitered_values
@mavsb_monitor_array.each {|data_id| self[data_id] }
# * Get Value
def [](data_id, *args, &block)
if @mavsb_bind_hash[data_id].is_a?(String)
value = eval(@mavsb_bind_hash[data_id])
self[data_id] = value if value != @data[data_id]
super(data_id, *args, &block) # Call Original Method
# * Bind to Value
def mavsb_bind_to_value(data_id, expression = false, monitor = MAVSB_MONITOR_DEFAULT)
@mavsb_monitor_array.delete(data_id) if @mavsb_monitor_array.include?(data_id)
if !expression || expression.empty? || !expression.is_a?(String)
self[data_id] = self[data_id]
if expression.is_a?(String)
@mavsb_bind_hash[data_id] = expression
@mavsb_monitor_array.push(data_id) if monitor
p "Expression passed is not a string, so it cannot be bound"
# ** Game_Interpreter
# Summary of Changes:
# aliased methods - command_108; command_122
# new method - mavsb_interpret_bind_comment; bind_variable; unbind_variable
class Game_Interpreter
# * Collect Comment
alias mavsb_cmnd108comment_2hb7 command_108
def command_108(*args, &block)
mavsb_cmnd108comment_2hb7(*args, &block) # Call Original Method
# * Interpret Comment
def mavsb_interpret_bind_comment(comment)
@mavsb_bind_next_variable = true if comment[/\\?BIND(.*?)VARIABLE/i]
@masvb_monitor_next_variable = $1 && !$1[/MONITOR/i].nil?
# * Control Variables
alias mavsb_contrlvars122_3kj1 command_122
def command_122(*args, &block)
# Only works if comment above is set to bind
if @mavsb_bind_next_variable
# Set expression to the method and only do the operation if not nil
oper = ["", " + ", " - ", " * ", " / ", " % "][@params[2]]
expr = mavsb_get_expression
for i in @params[0]..@params[1] do
# If directly setting or the current value is 0, ignore operation
expr_f = (@params[2] == 0 || $game_variables[i] == 0) ? expr :
($game_variables[i].to_s + oper + expr)
bind_variable(i, expr_f, @masvb_monitor_next_variable)
end if expr # Only do it if the expression is not false
mavsb_contrlvars122_3kj1(*args, &block)
# Turn off the binding automatically to prevent nasty bugs.
@mavsb_bind_next_variable = false
@masvb_monitor_next_variable = false
# * Get Expression to bind against
def mavsb_get_expression
return case @params[3]
when 1 then "$game_variables[#{@params[4]}]" # Variable
when 3 then mavsb_game_data_expression(@params[4], @params[5], @params[6]) # Game Data
when 4 then @params[4] # Script
else false
# * Get Game Data for Variable Operand
def mavsb_game_data_expression(type, param1, param2)
case type
when 0 then return "$game_party.item_number(#{$data_items[param1]})" # Items
when 1 # Weapons
return "$game_party.item_number(#{$data_weapons[param1]})"
when 2 # Armors
then return "$game_party.item_number(#{$data_armors[param1]})"
when 3 # Actors
if $game_actors[param1]
case param2
when 0 then return "$game_actors[#{param1}].level" # Level
when 1 then return "$game_actors[#{param1}].exp" # Exp
when 2 then return "$game_actors[#{param1}].hp" # HP
when 3 then return "$game_actors[#{param1}].mp" # MP
when 4..11 # Parameter
return "$game_actors[#{param1}].param(#{param2 - 4})"
when 4 # Enemies
if $game_troop.members[param1]
case param2
when 0 then return "$game_troop.members[#{param1}].hp" # HP
when 1 then return "$game_troop.members[#{param1}].mp" # MP
when 2..9 # Parameter
return "$game_troop.members[#{param1}].param(#{param2 - 2})"
when 5 # Character
character = get_character(param1)
if character
char_e = character.is_a?(Game_Player) ? "$game_player" :
"$game_map.map_id == #{$game_map.map_id} ? $[#{}] : 0"
case param2
when 0 then return "#{char_e}.x" # X-coordinate
when 1 then return "#{char_e}.y" # Y-coordinate
when 2 then return "#{char_e}.direction" # Direction
when 3 then return "#{char_e}.screen_x" # Screen X-coordinate
when 4 then return "#{char_e}.screen_y" # Screen Y-coordinate
when 6 # Party
return "$game_party.members[#{param1}] ? $game_party.members[#{param1}].id : 0"
when 7 # Other
case param1
when 0 then return "$game_map.map_id" # Map ID
when 1 then return "$game_party.members.size" # Party Size
when 2 then return "$" # Gold
when 3 then return "$game_party.steps" # Steps
when 4 then return "Graphics.frame_count / Graphics.frame_rate" # Playtime
when 5 then return "$game_timer.sec" # Timer
when 6 then return "$game_system.save_count" # Save Count
when 7 then return "$game_system.battle_count" # Battle Count
return "0"
# * Bind/Unbind Variable
def bind_variable(*args)
def unbind_variable(*var_ids)
var_ids.each {|i| $game_variables.mavsb_bind_to_value(i, "") }
# * Bind/Unbind Switch
def bind_switch(*args)
def unbind_switch(*switch_ids)
switch_ids.each {|i| $game_switches.mavsb_bind_to_value(i, "") }
# Add the Switch and Variable monitoring to the specified scenes
MAVSB_MONITOR_SCENES.each { |scene_name|
"alias mavsb_#{scene_name.downcase}_update_1gk8 update
def update(*args, &block)
mavsb_#{scene_name.downcase}_update_1gk8(*args, &block)
Please post in this thread at RMRK if you have any questions or encounter any errors. Please do not PM me or start a new topic for support, no matter how old is this thread. The reason for that is that any question or problem you have is likely shared by others, and I would like whatever answer I can give to benefit as many people as possible by being both public and conveniently accessed.
Known Compatibility Issues
There are currently no known compatibility issues.