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[VXA][RESOLVED] Extended Choice List

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Rep: +0/-0Level 68
RMRK Junior
I've looked around (though I do seem to be really suckish at searching for things), and I can't find a script or any other way to make those pesky choice lists longer. I plan on trying to add some form of crafting system where you can trade certain junk items in for weapons/armor/etc, but making the player go through repeated choice branches seems like it would just annoy players to the point where they ignore the option completely.

So my request is for a script that would give a page of choices, like how shops appear, to make this work better. I have no experience with scripting, so I have no idea how easy/hard that would be to make (heck, last time I tried to copy&paste a script, I failed at THAT). If this is something that is just flat-out impossible to do with RMVXA's scripting language, or has been done before and I just missed it, please tell me.

I've checked the websites that the rules thread recommends, and couldn't find this (though, again, knowing me, I probably overlooked it. I've been known to overlook the same thing until I've searched the same place for an hour.)
« Last Edit: April 15, 2012, 02:07:10 PM by vgy1592 »

Level 71
Captain of Ultima
Sorry 'bout my bad english :/

Rep: +0/-0Level 68
RMRK Junior
I'm looking into it. Doesn't look quite as clean as I wanted, but it'll definately do. Thanks.