Okay, so we downloaded the smaller demo (which was still ~40MB large), got through three maps, then this:
Please play-test before releasing something. It's generally a good idea, just to make sure that you have everything that you need and that things are working as you expect them to.
With that said, your mapping could really use some work. You're using regular map tiles on the world map, which causes incredibly visible seams where the tiles don't line up correctly. Your mapping in general is also very, very square, often symmetrical, and on the bland side. None of these things are inherently bad (well, except for the symmetry if you're making a nature map), but they're not good, either. Put them all together and your mapping just seems... okay. It's not the worst we've seen, but there's a lot of room for improvement (and there are plenty of mapping tutorials available, too).
As for your eventing... similar opinion. We don't really see that much in the project, and what you have could be greatly improved, honestly. For instance, we still don't see why you're using the switch Ragnarok, the variable for Ragnarok, so on and so forth. You're also using switches for things that could be done with self-switches or other conditions of the event page. For instance, finding Selena's bear: you have a switch called Bear Get that you turn on when the player grabs the bear. Why not create an unusable, unsellable item named Bear that's given instead, and if the bear is in the player's inventory, Selena joins? Easy to set up and event, and it saves at least one switch. Conserving switches can be
very important when creating a large game, and that's just one example. In the demo, you use (as far as we can tell) 9 switches and 1 variable (and we still don't understand the point of the variable, since it never increases past 1 and the value of it could be checked with the Item Exists condition explained above). We honestly think that this entire project could be done with no switches or variables used at all.
Now, if someone wants you to assist with their game, that's absolutely fine -- but honestly, I think that you could still learn quite a bit about both mapping and eventing. We haven't commented on the writing because... well, we're not sure that your writing abilities were the point of the demo. Seems unwise to comment on them unless there's something you are showcasing for review in that regard.
Also, this is a problem:
Music accounted for 40MB of your 41MB download. That's not-so-good, for future reference. Some people (like us) do not have fast, reliable internet. Downloading 40MB worth of MP3s to play a demo of your eventing and databasing abilities is more than a little frustrating, especially considering the fact that the music has absolutely nothing to do with your abilities to event, database, or write.
Good luck to you, though. You can always get better.