Are you making a engine full of characters to chose for the player of your game because this script shows all the classes of the database?Well i had that trouble in my game so i studied how to solve it. Is my first edited script, and i am not the creator. So all the credits for the creator, because i only changed 2 or 3 things.
Let's start:
With this script you can edit the classes that you want to show on your creation script, if you put them in order on the database. For example, you want to show 3 classes, then they have to be the 1st 2nd and 3rd classes on the database. The characters, are editable too, so you can add them on the script to be shown on the window creation.
I have upploaded a demo because some characters are needed to run the script and there is an example with the actors 50 and 51 edited by me. one is in spanish, if you have any trouble contact me by mp and i will translate you whatever you need.
Frecuent questions:
-How i insert the script on my game?-Well it is a bit complicated.
You must have to copy the module Alek at the top of the scirpts on your scripts zone, just down the cache, like in the demo.
The others scripts go next the scenes upper main.
How i have to do to put my characters to be seleccionables on the creation window?-This is a bit complicated too. XD You must have to create the chara and edit the module alek. You must rename your chara to $Actor52. Now if you want to put a cahracter of a man, it goes on the upper part of the module alek. Then goes to the right end of the line 18, Copy and paste this, on every line:
It has to be the same like the $Actor40
so it has to be like this:
If you want to put a woman you have to do the same, but in the line 28.
How i do to show only some classes?You must go to the script scene_create and where it says changes character´s class yuo must edit the next:
if $game_actors[1].class_id == 4 then $game_actors[1].class_id = 0
Like this, the script only shows the 3 first classes of the database.
If you want to show 4, you exchange 4 with 5, if you want to show 6, change the 4 with a 7. If you want to show all, erase all in changes actor´s class, and copy and paste this on it´s place:
# ? Changes character's class.
def change_class
if Input.trigger?(Input::LEFT)
$game_actors[1].style_id = 0
$game_actors[1].class_id -= 1 if $game_actors[1].class_id > 0
elsif Input.trigger?(Input::RIGHT)
$game_actors[1].style_id = 0
$game_actors[1].class_id += 1 if $game_actors[1].class_id < $data_classes.size
-How i do to show the player 1 face on the messages if i don´t know which one the players have choosen? - -1st, You must copy the script nms3 and copy it upper main, and down the character creation.
2nd, you have to create an face 96x96 transparent and import it to your game graphics/faces with the name 1.png to be the 1st to choose when you open the graphics on te text menú. If you don´t do this the face will cover the text.
3rd,Then you have to change this blank space with the face you want.
The codes to put the face are \pf[0,N]
The 0 is the character that you create with the script and the N is the face position of 8 that you have already done the 1st one for the upper left is the number 0 and the last one of the down right corner is the 7.
So if you want the face from the upper right corner it has to be the code like this:
\pf[0,3]And write the text that you want.
if you have any issues, contact me by mp.