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[Music] Arlen's Weekly Music Release!

Started by Moss., February 03, 2012, 03:33:20 AM

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ohh  I like that, it was very good.

hit all the notes for me xD 
Main Level Music:"la la la la la  just skipping along minding my own business"
Cutscene: "Oh crap, what is that!"
Boss Battle: "Oh god, oh god, oh god" 

modern algebra

19 seconds? I want more! :P

By the way, I totally love the ambient/light combat/heavy combat layers set. They sound awesome and blend into each other perfectly.

But the link for them in the original post is broken.


That was a pretty good re-scoring there, Arlen. I especially liked the battle music you had. More of that would be nice.
(Why do I always feel like it's the end of the world and I'm the last man standing?)


Alright, it's been a while, but that's because my graduate thesis is being a bitch to complete.

But here's some neat video demos I made with my music. You've already heard the tracks in these videos, but you haven't seen how to fade in an interact with each other like this.






it's like a metaphor or something i don't know


Ratchet & Clank music, this time!



(In case it doesn't work...



Quit making me lose faith in my abilities :mad:

In all seriousness I loved the sound of it, and when the strings kicked in it made the piece all the better. My only complaint would be that the rhythm sounds kinda choppy and erratic, although that may have been your intention. Is this all East-West orchestration? Because you seem to make it sound far more real than when I use it.


It's east west, and some Alchemy patches (free!), and a bunch of loops for the rhythm. Lol, the erraticness is probably because of those loops. To get away from blatantly and obviously stealing other peoples loops, I layer a few of them together and chop them up to make them fit. Sometimes it's not 100%, but I don't really care as long as the energy is there.

As far as getting East West sounding better, it's all about layering, and knowing when to use a compressor. Those hits are, like, a combination of the 70 piece string marcato patch, the timpani patch, and the trombone marcato patch. I always compress my timpanis, and sometimes my low strings, just to make them pop out more without necessarily making them "louder."

But it's mostly the layering. You gotta figure, these patches weren't meant to be used alone. They were meant to be used all together, right?


modern algebra

That Ratchet & Clank song is great.


Thank you! You'll probably like this one, too. :)




I liked that one much better than the original. I can't even find anything wrong with it. At this rate you'd probably be able to get into a major studio purely based off of your portfolio.


To hell with staying on schedule!





Eh, here's the rest.




I listened to these on facebook. I really liked them all.  :) 




I love the flowing section that starts at about :30 in Action Sequence 1. It's very cinematic.

boss Fight is my favorite of the bunch overall, though. Nice percussion. 8]


Just bumping to say THANKS to everyone for listening, and also to say that this is over, lol. Everything's listed in the OP, if you wanna go back.

Maybe I'll start another weekly release thread when I start picking up steam again, but for now, we're done.

Thanks again!
