Enemy Stat Variance
Version: 1.0
Author: modern algebra
Date: January 4, 2012
Version History
- <Version 1.0> 2012.01.04 - Original Release
This script allows you to attach a variance to each enemy stat, so that enemy instances aren't all just clones of each other but can have stat differences.
- Each individual battler of an enemy can have varying stats
- Can set variance either directly or by percentile
Paste this script into its own slot in the Script Editor, above Main but below Materials.
# Enemy Stat Variance
# Version: 1.0
# Author: modern algebra (rmrk.net)
# Date: January 4, 2012
# Description:
# This script allows you to attach a variance to each enemy stat, so that
# enemy instances aren't all just clones of each other but can have stat
# differences.
# Instructions:
# Paste this script into its own slot in the Script Editor, above Main but
# below Materials.
# Just place the code for each of the stat variances you want into the notes
# box of the Enemy in the Database. The possible codes are:
# \vary_hp[x]
# \vary_mp[x]
# \vary_atk[x]
# \vary_def[x]
# \vary_mat[x]
# \vary_mdf[x]
# \vary_agi[x]
# \vary_luk[x]
# Each of the codes will give a variance of x to the stat chosen. A variance
# x means that the enemy will have a random number between 0 and x added to
# its base stat. So, if the base stat set in the database is 120, and x is
# set to 30, then that stat will be between 120 and 150 for any instance of
# that enemy. So, if you are fighting two slimes, then one of them could have
# that stat be 127 while the other has it at 142, for example.
# If, instead of being added on, you want the variance to be by percentage,
# then all you need to do is add a percentile sign:
# \vary_hp[x%]
# \vary_mp[x%]
# \vary_atk[x%]
# \vary_def[x%]
# \vary_mat[x%]
# \vary_mdf[x%]
# \vary_agi[x%]
# \vary_luk[x%]
# If the codes have a percentage to them, then it will take a random number
# between 0 and x and add that percentage of the stat to the enemy's stat. So,
# if an enemy's max HP is 200 and you set \variance_hp%[10], then the script
# will choose a random number between 0 and 10. In this case, let's say it
# chooses 6, then .06*200 will be added to the enemy's HP, resulting in that
# enemy having 212 HP
# Additionally, it should be noted that these are stackable; it would be
# valid, for instance to have one enemy have this in its notebox:
# \vary_hp[10%]\vary_hp[30]
$imported = {} unless $imported
$imported[:MA_EnemyStatVariance] = true
# ** RPG::Enemy
# Summary of Changes:
# new public instance variable - maesv_add_params
# new method - initialize_maesv_data
class RPG::Enemy
# * Public Instance Variables
attr_accessor :maesv_add_params
# * Initialize Enemy Stat Variance Data
def initialize_maesv_data
@maesv_add_params = []
# Scan note for Variance Codes
note.scan(/\\VARY[ _](.+?)\[(\d+)(%?)\]/i) {|param_n, value, percent|
param_id = ["HP", "MP", "ATK", "DEF", "MAT", "MDF", "AGI", "LUK"].index(param_n.upcase)
@maesv_add_params << [param_id, value.to_i + 1, !percent.empty?] if param_id
# ** Game_Enemy
# Summary of Changes:
# aliased methods - initialize; all_features
class Game_Enemy < Game_Battler
# * Object Initialization
alias maesv_initialze_4gj1 initialize
def initialize(*args, &block)
@maesv_percent_params = [] # Initialize Percentile Params array
maesv_initialze_4gj1(*args, &block)
# Add to stats according to variance in notes
enemy.initialize_maesv_data unless enemy.maesv_add_params
enemy.maesv_add_params.each {|param_id, value, percent_true|
if percent_true # Percentile
@maesv_percent_params << RPG::BaseItem::Feature.new(FEATURE_PARAM,
param_id, 1.0 + (rand(value).to_f / 100.0))
else # Add the randomized value to the parameter
add_param(param_id, rand(value))
recover_all # Ensure the enemy is at full strength
# * All Features
alias maesv_allfeatrs_5jk6 all_features
def all_features(*args, &block)
result = maesv_allfeatrs_5jk6(*args, &block) # Run Original Method
result + @maesv_percent_params
Please report any bugs or make any suggestions with respect to this script in this topic at RMRK.
Known Compatibility Issues
Any bestiary will likely not reflect the potential variance in stats unless it is specifically coded in.