I made a very simple banking system. Basically you can only carry so much at one time, so you have to keep depositing to keep earning, but both cash on hand and in the bank can be used at any time. In the Game_Party script I added some code to get this done and that works great but now I'm trying to make a Banker NPC so you can actually deposit your cash.
In the Game_Party script I added the following:
def deposit
@bank = [[@bank + gold, 0].max, 9999999].min
@gold = [[@gold - gold, 0].max, goldmax].min
But I can't figure out how to call this from the Banker event. I tried:
@game_party = Game_Party.new()
Obviously this just makes a new instance of game_party that doesn't contain any information from the original game_party instance. Is there any way I can call deposit from the event? If not, are there other ways I can go about this? I don't want to use someone else's bank script so please don't say "Use Variables!" ... unless that's the only way