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Steam Stuff

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Level 91
Queen Princess
2013 Most Missed Member2012 Most Missed Member;o hee hee <3For being a noted contributor to the RMRK Wiki
The Witcher 2 is cheaper still on GOG, always has been.
:taco: :taco: :taco:

Level 94
2012 Most Attractive Male MemberSecret Santa 2012 ParticipantProject of the Month winner for June 20092010 Best Counsel
Defense Grid is about as standard a TD as you can get. Its just really pretty.
The DLC for Dredmore is like, 7 new classes, some new enemies, and a few new floors. If you like the game, the extra stuff is worth it, and its $1.50 right now.

Resource Artist
Level 94
Project of the Month winner for June 2009
I just grabbed Arkham City.

A Random Custom Title
Level 96
Btw, this is the list of achievements to come if anyone wants to do them beforehand. I know I am since I'm going to be away for a few days.

Level 94
2012 Most Attractive Male MemberSecret Santa 2012 ParticipantProject of the Month winner for June 20092010 Best Counsel
I don't think they're all part of the Christmas Giveaway, though. Some of them are, but not all of them. Besides, cheating is for bitches.

Level 88
I bought Blur. Nothing else on sale today interests me all that much.

Crew Slut
Level 93
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Yeah so far I haven't been too interested in these games. I was really thinking of Blur too, but I heard it's a somewhat bad PC port, and as far as combat racers go, I just bought MK7...but I just got an invite to Tribes: Ascend Beta! So even if my certain-buys don't hit dailies anytime soon, I'm all good B)

Level 88
Tribes Ascend is pretty good, man. I haven't played it for a little while because there aren't a lot of Australian players just yet, though.

Level 94
2012 Most Attractive Male MemberSecret Santa 2012 ParticipantProject of the Month winner for June 20092010 Best Counsel
Divinity 2 is awesome, if you like crpgs. I want tribes really badly. Looks like the best shooter in a while.

Level 91
Queen Princess
2013 Most Missed Member2012 Most Missed Member;o hee hee <3For being a noted contributor to the RMRK Wiki
Tribes is really, really good. Especially if you manage to land in a fully populated match. Try snagging a beta code if possible, it's worth looking into.
:taco: :taco: :taco:

Crew Slut
Level 93
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It's almost UT99/2K4 good. I think there's a beta referral program, so I'll see if I can get you an invite Holk.

Bought RAGE, thinking of EYE. Can't wait to download 21GB! I finally got myself 7 Coal. Crafted into a fucking -50% Virtua Tennis coupon. My friend laughed at me and told me that one coal is worth one reclaimed metal. I'm damn-near livid right now.

Level 88
Renegade Ops is $3 on Amazon. It'll register on Steam.


I'm annoyed amazon's digital service thing is only available to US customers.
« Last Edit: December 23, 2011, 08:02:46 PM by chewey »

Level 94
2012 Most Attractive Male MemberSecret Santa 2012 ParticipantProject of the Month winner for June 20092010 Best Counsel
Ok, so I have a crazy conspiracy theory:

Valve is going to announce HL3 after this sale. Hear me out on this. Along side the shirts that devs were wearing, and the voice actors who claimed to be working on it, I've noticed something strange about the holiday sale pics: There are HL Lambdas all over them. The Brink one yesterday was the first one I noticed, and there was another one, too. Today, there's one in the "Steam characters" picture, in the yellow guy's chain. I'm going to keep a look out for more.

Crew Slut
Level 93
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You're not alone. I was thinking the exact same thing.

Apparently the robot (Wheatly?) from Portal 2's speech at that award show that shall not be named referenced a new half-life. There have been some other HL things popping up in Valve stuff too, a lot of it seems really far-fetching and desperate, but now they kind of seem valid.

A Random Custom Title
Level 96
:| I keep getting coupons. A -33% Valve Complete Pack and a -50% Avadon the Black Fortress

Crew Slut
Level 93
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Some notes:
Frozen Synapse is absolutely worth three bucks for TWO copies. Easily one of the best games of the year.
Greed Corp is pretty fun. Worth the $2.50 if you want a casual strategy. (It's not a daily, but it has an achievement today.)
Audiosurf is audiosurf. You should get it if you have lots of CDs and music on your computer.
RAGE is shooting bliss, with some really great car combat too. It's a pure shooter with some rpg gimmicks and racing, so don't expect Fallout 3 or even Borderlands (though in my opinion it's much better than both). Almost like an open-world Doom but with less-good level design? And damn, those sewers are amazing.

also tomorrow amazon is having Civ V GOTY download for $10.99, and it activates on steam. Today, Just Cause 2 is $2.50 iirc and Deus Ex HR is $9.99.
« Last Edit: December 24, 2011, 06:14:28 AM by Harry Burns »

Level 94
2012 Most Attractive Male MemberSecret Santa 2012 ParticipantProject of the Month winner for June 20092010 Best Counsel
Also, those Amazon downloads get you a $5 credit toward one of the top games of 2011, after the holidays.

Rage is really good. One of the best shooters I've ever played, but to compare it to Fallout or Borderlands is doing a disservice to all of those series. It is nothing like them, so you can't really compare. It is a shooter, through and through.

Level 88
Frozen Synapse is part of this bundle

Might be better off buying it there. They aren't hooked up with Steam though, which sucks big time.
« Last Edit: December 24, 2011, 11:33:40 AM by chewey »

Crew Slut
Level 93
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Does that include two copies?

Also, those Amazon downloads get you a $5 credit toward one of the top games of 2011, after the holidays.

Rage is really good. One of the best shooters I've ever played, but to compare it to Fallout or Borderlands is doing a disservice to all of those series. It is nothing like them, so you can't really compare. It is a shooter, through and through.
yep I agree. The "rpg" in it is nothing more than the "Rpg" in a typical Zelda game but people are up in arms about how shallow of an rpg it is when it isn't at all an rpg. I also see a lot of people passing up on it because they think it's a Fallout or Borderlands knock-off. It's a shame. The only faults I can give it are enemy count and open space in the levels, and those are only minor complaints. (It's also pretty easy even on hard, but I only just past the first Mutant Bash.)
« Last Edit: December 24, 2011, 04:58:06 PM by Harry Burns »

Level 88
Nope, but if you pay the minimum you're spending less than half than what it costs on Steam anyway.

Crew Slut
Level 93
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Overlord Pack, an action take on Pikmin, is a steal at $4.99. I put at least a couple dozen hours into Overlord, and hadn't even touched the expansion pack's dungeons. It's a really great game.

Arkham Asylum is mostly phenomenal. I recommend it.

Has anyone played Alice: Madness Returns? It looks really good.

A Random Custom Title
Level 96
Okay, so I've been spending the past hour or so watching videogame streams and also looking through the Steam Trading forums trying to trade my crap for other people's crap that I actually want. And this guy just takes the cake:

Spoiler for:

Level 74
(Clever Pun Here)
Can anyone give me a hand? I bought Fable: TLC for $5 and when I run it, I get to my profile. When it loads for the game to begin, It says, "Runtime Error" and google isn't helpin' any with my prob. Anyone got any ideas? (btw, What Assassin's Creed should get?)

Crew Slut
Level 93
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For taking a crack at the RMRK Wiki
I'm not sure. Run-time Error seems pretty broad. What's your OS? I played through Fable on XP fine. Try running the game in XP compatibility mode. You can also try "Verifying Integrity of Game Cache," found via right-click-> properties in Steam Library. Last resort would be to re-install.

I think assassin's creed is really boring actually. I've only played 2, but everything about it is so automated; it's almost anti-participatory. I really dislike that quality in games, but they're not really bad games at all and they do seem to have a lot of content. I hear 2 is the best from most people, which is why I picked it up, but Brotherhood and Revelations have some legitimately awesome looking multi-player.

Though really, wait to buy any games until they have a daily deal. If they don't, then you're not losing anything but a few days.

Level 84
Is Alice any good?