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Basic Script Calls[RESOLVED]

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Level 82
So, I've been trying to make an evented menu-system and I'm having problems with it. But first, here's how it works:

1. In the beggining of the game, menu access is disabled.

2. Player presses 'esc' button(Which does not pop up the default menu screen btw) which, through a parallel-processed event, transfers the player to a map which is the menu. (Please ignore the cursor in the bottom-left hand corner.)

3. The cursor at the 'items' icon is actually the player as a cursor sprite.

4. The player presses space/enter, and through a basic script call, the item screen pops-up.

5. Now here's the issue. But when I press esc to go back to the menu (the map) it goes to the default menu screen although I turned off the menu access.

Here's the map editor:

And here's the events:

(Ignore the array of events on the top-left corner except for the lowest one(Not the cursor))

And one event that transfers the player back to the map:

I'm asking all the scripters out there, if there's any script call that only shows the item/skill/equip/status/exit screen, and doesn't go back to the default menu screen when you go back(Press esc).


Oh, and also if there's any script/script call that allows you to select which skill/equip/status screen of each character that you want to view:

(Eg. I want to go to 2nd character's status screen, but every time I do the scrip call it takes me to the main/1st character's status screen.)


Thanks for your time, any help would be greatly appreciated. If you have any doubts, please clarify!
« Last Edit: November 18, 2011, 07:53:17 AM by Zacpower4 »

Level 84
This text is way too personal.
Bronze - GIAW 11 (Hard)Silver - GIAW Halloween
Changing the return_scene definition in each of the scripts would probably work. For example, replacing Scene_Item's line 39:
Code: [Select]
$scene = Scene_Menu.new(0)
Code: [Select]
$scene = Scene_Map.new

my name is Timothy what's yours
Level 79
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Eh, just paste this in materials just above main. You'll need to let us know if you use custom scenes, though.
Code: [Select]
pac_input_fix_scenes = ["Item", "Equip", "Status", "End", "Skill"]
pac_input_fix_scenes.each { |klass|
  pac_input_fix = %Q(class Scene_#{klass} < Scene_Base; def return_scene;
  $scene = Scene_Map.new; end; end); eval(pac_input_fix)
class Scene_File < Scene_Base
  def return_scene
    $scene = @from_title ? Scene_Title.new : Scene_Map.new
That should well do it.
it's like a metaphor or something i don't know

Level 82
Thank you so much! It works like a charm now.