I'm pretty sure there's no way you just happened to think up the name Saria before knowing anything about Ocarina of Time.
It's entirely plausible though. I have absolutely no idea when it comes to Zelda personally, but that's a name I'd find easy to come up with. It's like a cross between Sara and Maria; two perfectly normal names. Whilst I'm not defending either side, I'm simply pointing out that using the same name doesn't suggest "ripping" it from another game.
What is probably copyrighted is the character Saria used in Zelda. Not here name, but the character concept and design. Her name is fact, and you can't copyright facts. It may be a trademarked name to protect the identity of the original concept, but unless this game is going to degrade the original concept it's probably not going to cause any issues.
Plus, there's a lot of people out there like me who wouldn't even draw the connection. In the end, as long as the concept around this Saria is different from the Saria in Zelda, I wouldn't worry about it.