Animated Face Sets
SummaryI need a small add-on for Modern Algebra's Advanced Text System 3. Naturally, the script has animated facesets while text is appearing in letter by letter mode, but when the text finishes writing, the idle face image is static. I want to have an idle animation instead of a static face.
These faces are all
from the same face file, labelled with ![x],
where x is the number of frames. You can also
do it by naming files in a _1, _2, ..., _n
sequence, where the faces to use are in the
same index of each face file.
For more details on how the ATS works,
please read the topic.
Features Desired- Separate idle animation when text is fully displayed.
MockupsPicture the default face system. Now picture the mouth moving. Now picture the eyes blinking when the text is done. There 'ya go.
Games its been inWhat other scripts are you using?