OK I WOKE UP! Beat the game, got a level 99 pyromancer. Working on a cleric who's level 30 now.
The game is a 9/10. Almost completely 10/10 hands down but there are two things that really bug me. But before we get to that let me tell you about this masterpiece.
Yes that guy in the background is throwing lightning at that zombie dragon For those of you who didn't play Demon's Souls, Dark Souls is an action RPG that revolves around killing things and stealing their souls. While Demon's Souls had a more arcade feel in that you had a central hub point, and different areas with bosses at the end, Dark Souls is a more open world that gives you tons of choices on how you're going to get your ass kicked. And the ass-kicking is plentiful, Dark Souls is considerably harder than its predecessor.
One of the smaller bosses Now why would anyone but masochists want to play this game? Because it is quite literally the perfect RPG. There are so many attributes and all of them actually matter, every character you play changes the game up so much. While my first character was a massive armored fire and brimstone tank with a giant halberd and mastery over the fires of chaos who invaded players worlds who had sinned, my current character is a light armored cleric with a holy sword, the many powers of god, and helps out players in trouble.
Players can invade other player's worlds and kill them for souls My only gripes are, while the game is damn beautiful, the framerate drops considerably sometimes. And the multiplayer can be frustrating to organize. FROM Software tried to make it to where you feel alone, but they made you feel a little too alone. Summons fail often, and more often than not you'll randomly get a message that says 'So and so tried to invade you but the server fucked up so whatever.' I didn't play much multi in Demon's Souls, but in this game its the bee's knees, which really leaves a bad impression when it doesn't work.