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Started by Golden Sun Legend, September 28, 2011, 04:20:16 AM

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Golden Sun Legend


This first bit is going to be me saying blah, blah and blah but it's actually very important.

I'm going to introduce myself first. I'm a 19 year old guy from the United Kingdom who has a passion for creating/composing music and/or sound effects. I produce any style of music but it's all software based music, although I can play a tiny bit of piano. I've been creating music from scratch since I was about twelve. Music was the thing I wanted to do as a career so I started college after school and have been studying music since then. I'm on my last year at college and when I complete this course I hope to study at university. In my free time I make music of course and I also study music theory from time to time.

That's enough about me... Let's talk about the music and sound effects. First of all the music library has 37 tracks in. Each track is exactly 1:00 long because these are DEMOS. The quality of the tracks are 160kbits MP3 files and they contain water marks playing all throughout the tracks. I know these might annoy you but just try to listen past the noises and I did this so you can't use them without my permission. I do plan to make some money for my music which is why I'm releasing demos. So I want to get some feedback on my music, also I want some advise on how much do you think I should charge for my music.

I will be willing to work along with people such as yourselves making your game music for you. I also like to make sound effects. Now the sound effects I'm offering now are FREE TO USE and you can edit them and do whatever you want. Most sound effects will be synthesis meaning they're created using synthesizers. I do record sounds sometimes but the Mic I currently use picks up static and overall is not a good quality microphone.

So I'll give you the links and please at least just give me some feedback even if you absolutely hate my music and sounds. Just leave some feedback.

BGM Library:
SFX/ME/BGS Library:

Also if you like, you can donate to me. Even if it's $1 or £1 of course I don't mind. The more money I raise the quicker I can start selling my music to you guys. Also the quality of the audio will improve. (Am I aloud to do this in the forum?)

Donate link:

Thanks for your time
-Golden Sun Legend