I'm going to stop scripting from early October until at least mid December. This is entirely because of a work overload. I'm just not capable of doing all of the stuff I try to. I love scripting for you people, I love helping people out, all of it is fantastic. But it takes up an insane amount of my time, and I have to remember that I'm supposed to be doing other, boring stuff. There are a lot of things I have to do, and it's just too much for me with this hobby on the side. I want to clear up some other things though. Things that people may want to know about this decision.
Will you be writing any new scripts?
No, not until I make my triumphant return.
Will you continue supporting your old scripts?
Yes, as but I won't be writing new versions entirely. I may do a bugfix or compatibility patch here or there, and if you're lucky you may get a new feature. But I will not be redoing any old scripts until I start again.
Will you finish my request?
If I can within the next two weeks. Otherwise, I sincerely apologize to you. If you can be bothered waiting until December, PM me to remind me about you. Otherwise, find someone else.
Will you be taking any new requests?
Only very simple stuff. No new scripts, as I said, probably the most I'll do is write a method to help out or give some advice to you.
Will you still be posting in other threads to help others?
Yes, as long as it's not too much.
What of PAC?
It'll get done one day. Don't worry.
Will you start sooner if we ask you nicely?
It could happen, but don't hold your breath.
Does this mean you're leaving?
No, but I'll probably be a bit less active.
If you have any other questions, just ask. I will answer.
As I said, I'm really upset that I have to do this. But it's only very temporary. Two and a half months.
Before I do this, I want to thank the wise LoganForrests, the boy wonder Cozziekuns, our almighty Overlord Zeriab and, of course, our resident god-damn genius, Modern Algebra. I wouldn't be here without any of you. It means a lot what you've done for me, even if it doesn't show. Of course, the rest of the RMRK is pretty much full of awesome people, and an endless supply of script requests. Thanks for them too.
See you around.