How does calling a script from within a move action or the autonomous movement differ from calling a script directly in said event?
Namely, I have a custom function pushed into the Game_Interpreter class in one of my scripts so I can call these functions from within events.
Now, if I call those functions from within a conditional action, or a normal script action, it works fine. But when I try to use it within a move action's script, it gives me a NoMethodError occurred error message. This leads me to believe that movement actions somehow don't have access to the Game_Interpreter functions, or... something.
In case it's necessary, here's the functions I've added to the Game_Interpreter:
class Game_Interpreter
def set_self_switch (mapID, eventID, selfSwitch, trueOrFalse)
key = [mapID, eventID, selfSwitch]
$game_self_switches[key] = trueOrFalse
$game_map.need_refresh = true
def get_self_switch (mapID, eventID, selfSwitch)
key = [mapID, eventID, selfSwitch]
result = false
result = $game_self_switches[key]
return result
And indeed, it's an altered version of iKuro's SelfSwitchController. And indeed, the get_self_switch isn't optimal, but it's not about that right now.
Regardless, how does calling a script from within a movement action differ from calling a script from within the event directly?