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[VX] "Salve" Command (Use various items)

Started by DarkDjango, September 10, 2011, 04:34:31 AM

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Hello there. My first tutorial!  ;D

Well, this is a tutorial to create a skill that uses various itens at the same time. Example...
[Open example]
ALCHEMIST uses Salve!
Four choices appear:
PLAYER chooses Potion!
ALCHEMIST uses POTION on all team members!
[Close example]

Well, here we go.
1) Create a skill. Call it "Salve", "Distribute", or whatever you want.
2) Make it call an common event.
3) On the common event, set a variable = Party team members.
4) (Optional) Make a conditional branch. If variable (I'll call it GROUP) = 1, make it say...
"There is only one party member!"
Or something. If else...
5) Show choices of the items you want, be it "Potion", "Hi-Potion", "X-Potion", "Ether", "Elixir", "Others", its your choice (NO PUN INTENDED). Make it impossible to cancel. Or not.  Whatever.
6) (I'll use potion as an example) Set variable (I'll call ITEM) = POTION in the player inventory.
7) Set condition ITEM > = (Equal or more) GROUP.
8 ) HEAL PARTY the same amount the item does. Like, if potion heals 50 HP, heal 50 HP of the party.
9) (Optional) Sound effects?
10) Show messages. Be it "The party gained 50 HP!" or "The ALCHEMIST used various potions!", its up to you.
11) Change item: POTION - variable (GROUP)
12) Else, show message: "Not enough items!" Or something.
13) Do that with the other items, with their respective effects.
15) ? ? ?
14) Profit!

Well, that does it. I apologise for my bad english and if there already is another tutorial about this.
Thanks for reading!  ;)
(No demo included. I don't think its needed.)