I have to agree with modern. If you definitely need this kind of system, you need to make sure you've exhausted the available resources first before making a request. In fact, I believe it's a requirement of a script request to show examples of what you've already searched for.
On a development side of things, these are the kind of roadblocks that should be considered when you plan on making a project. It's worth having back up ideas in case an issue comes up like this.
There's pretty much little incentive for scripters to actually fulfil script requests outside of personal satisfaction. Especially when it comes to creating add-ons for rather large systems that in themselves aren't just simple tweaks, and even more especially for a script that likely isn't used or supported any more.
Simply put, I'd start looking into the other versions of the script or changing your ideas to fit what resources you do have available. I wouldn't expect this request to be fulfilled any time soon.