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Gil/Coin Toss Ability, as well as a couple other abilities [2K3]

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Touhou Fantasy Developer and all around cool person. :)
Level 85
T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
So I've already implemented a Steal and Scan ability into my game, and would like to incorporate a Gil Toss/Coin Toss ability if it is possible. Same with Pray (which I think I know how to make) and Dualcast (is there a way of making this work properly with specific skills or...?). Any help on this would be greatly appreciated ^^;;

Level 66
RPG2k3 Meowster
I made a account here cause I feel bad no one replyed. D=

Anyway to answer your question the best I can.

Since I can see you made a steal and scan ability I can assume you know how to make a skill trigger events.
For gil/coin toss. You need to set a variable to the amount of money you have. Next subtract that variable from the monster's hp value. Then decrease your money based on the variable (should end up at 0). Well, that's if you want to throw all your money. If you want a chosen value of $ to throw..., you can't really do that unless you have a custom battle system (I could probably easily do this if I had the use of pictures, which you don't in battles). If you want the skill to through a set amount, let's say 1000. Set a variable to 1000, check the player's money to see if they have at least 1000 (if they don't I guess you can just make it say skill failed), do damage to that monster with that variable, then subtract it from your money.

I'm not really sure what pray would do, haven't played a FF game in awhile. But you said you know how to do it.

For dual-casting...
I'm not exactly sure how you want to go about that to begin with.
What I would do is.
Make a spell type called dual cast and have it able to use all the spells you can cast normally.
Next I would have to make a event detect what spell I chosen to cast (only way to do that I know of is by mp cost). After you got it detected (I'm not going into how to detect it, you should be able to figure it out).
When it is casted, I would make a conditional-branch for each possible monster target. Now for each target, I would try to fake a character casting animation, use that animation of the target chosen, and make a damage formula (common event) and do similar damage. This should make it look like you casted the spell twice and doing damage twice. Sorry I couldn't be more elaborate. ><

I hope this helped. ^^;

edit: For coin toss. Try using input number. This should allow you to choose how much $ you wanna through. Although, the prompt for this will show up after you use the skill, that's not all bad really except, I don't think you can go back if you decided you didn't wanna use the move anymore.

« Last Edit: August 29, 2011, 04:18:31 AM by RikaPSO »

Touhou Fantasy Developer and all around cool person. :)
Level 85
T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
Hmm....well, I' don't think I'd want to throw all the money at the enemy (since well...that would easily OHKO just about anything just by getting enough money lol). I might try to do a custom formula for this. I was looking at FFVI's Gil Toss formula, and then decided to look at each game's formula. This is what I have for those per game (note that I'm not sure if any of these would be viable or not...I'm just tossing them out here just in case):

    * GilCost = Level * 30perenemyperthrow

    * Damage = (10 + Level ? Defense) * 150toeachenemy
    * GilCost = Level * 50perenemyperthrow

   * Damage = GPThrown * 2 / Numberofenemieshit

   * GilUsed = Amarant'sLv * 101
   * Damage = [(GilUsed * GilUsed * Spirit) / (GilOwned * 10)]

I was going to post VII, VII -CC-, and XII, but that would've been the entire thing for each. I'm thinking that it might be possible to do something based off of TAY or V (IX seems a bit complicated to do, and I highly doubt I can pull off VI's version).

Dualcast I was planning on having it as per FFVI (choose one spell, then choose another spell and they both go off one after another). Though I don't think the system would allow that.

As for Pray, I have it done already (HP Healed = 10% of character's Max HP sounds reasonable enough. It's kinda like FFIV's Pray in a way but better).

Level 66
RPG2k3 Meowster
I'll just make a random formula XD
I would make the skill call a event.
Code: [Select]
Variable Oper: [variable z] Set, Money //sets variable z to your money
Input Number: 7 Digit, [variable x] //stores $ in variable x
Branch if Var [variable x] is V[variable z] Less //if your money is less than the chosen input value....
  Variable Oper: [variable x] Set, Money //set the input value to your money^
Change Money: V[variable x] Remove //removes money based on your input value
Variable Oper: [variable x] / , 100 //divides variable x by 100
Variable Oper: [variable y] Set , Character x Level //set's the character's level to variable y
Variable Oper: [variable x] + , Var [variable y]'s Value //adds variable y to x
Branch if 1: Monster1 Targeted //checks which mob your targeting with the skill
  Change Cond: Character x Inflict x //will change the animation used by the character for the moment
  Show Battle Animation: x, Monster1 //shows the animation hitting the mob -throws coin-
  Wait: 0.1 Sec //waits..
  Change monster HP: 1:Monster1's HP V[variable x] Remove //does damage based on variable x
  Change Cond: Character x Remove x //changes the animation back to normal
Repeat the branches for each monster target available.

This formula is basically:
Damage = Money chosen to throw / 100 + Character level
Money spent = Money chosen to throw

This probably could have been done better but that's just off the top of my head. Could have a lot of that in common events.

As for dual casting. Yeah, can't do that. You'll need a custom battle system.
« Last Edit: August 29, 2011, 05:49:01 PM by RikaPSO »

Touhou Fantasy Developer and all around cool person. :)
Level 85
T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
I was afraid it'd be something like that. If I knew how to script, I'd make the battle system myself (one thing I dislike about 2k3 with its default system is how restrictive it is...maybe I should make a topic about the things I like/dislike about 2k3....hmmm...).

I'll give that code a test to see how it works by testing it in my debug room. That does look like it'll work though at least

EDIT: So it works, but had to tweak it a bit. Might be useful for others that want it too, though dunno.

Throw this into Common Events:

Code: [Select]
Variable Oper: [variable z] Set, Money //sets variable z to your money
Input Number: 7 Digit, [variable x] //stores $ in variable x
Branch if Var [variable x] is V[variable z] Greater //if your money is less than the chosen input value....
  Variable Oper: [variable x] Set, Money //set the input value to your money^
Branch if Money is 0 Less/Equal
  Variable Oper: [variable Y] Set, 0
  Variable Oper: [variable X] Set, 0 //sets variables to 0 so damage done is 0 if player has no money left
  Change Money: V[variable x] Remove //removes money based on your input value
  Variable Oper: [variable x] / , 100 //divides variable x by 100
  Variable Oper: [variable y] Set , Character x Level //set's the character's level to variable y
  Variable Oper: [variable x] + , Var [variable y]'s Value //adds variable y to x

Then throw this into each monster group page:

Trigger: [Cloud] uses [Gil Toss] command
Code: [Select]
Call Common Event: Gil Toss

Branch if 1: Monster1 Targeted //checks which mob your targeting with the skill
  Change Cond: Character x Inflict x //will change the animation used by the character for the moment
  Show Battle Animation: x, Monster1 //shows the animation hitting the mob -throws coin-
  Wait: 0.1 Sec //waits..
  Change monster HP: 1:Monster1's HP V[variable x] Remove //does damage based on variable x
  Change Cond: Character x Remove x //changes the animation back to normal

So for instance, say you choose 500 Gil, and Cloud's Level is 16, the total damage done is 21. Doesn't seem much, but hey, can always change if you need to. And to prevent the ability from doing damage when you have no money (which was the problem I was having originally with the code), changing the variables as per the second If block will make it do as such.

Much obliged Rika....very much obliged. Even though it may not be used till late game (if at all), it at least gives the game more flavor and uniqueness I think. I COULD make it more useful by making the damage higher (since in my game, you're constantly low on money due to buying high-priced supplies all the time), though not sure on that yet. At least I can change the values in the Common Events if need be! Now I must think on what other abilities would be useful or interesting to make~
« Last Edit: August 29, 2011, 11:09:07 PM by Xenomic »

Touhou Fantasy Developer and all around cool person. :)
Level 85
T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
Alright, so now that all of those abilities are sorted (Gil Toss/Pray/Miracle), I'm wondering if it's possible to do a Chakra ability at all? I'm assuming it's impossible to make a command ability that lets you target an ally/self, so it'd have to be done via scripting. So if it's done by script (where it targets all allies), I might have to make it less than it actually does in the formulas I'm about to post.

So, here's the formulas from each FF game that I've looked at that might be worth using for this ability. Reason I'm making this is to give the character an ability that offsets the super small amount of MP she gets (in comparison to her skills, which in all honesty do cost quite a bit to use).

 HPRestored = User'sMaxHP / #ofPartyMembers - 1

Or for an easier reading, directly from the wiki:

"which heals every party member bar Sabin himself for an amount equal to Sabin's max HP divided by the number of party members minus 1"

    HPRestored = [(20 * Target'sMaxHP) / 100]
    MPRestored = [(20 * Target'sMaxMP) / 100]

Those two I'm looking at, though if I cannot target an ally with said ability, I may have to use the FFVI version instead of the FFIX version (which is the one I'd like to use, since it helps make the character more useful for healing MP as well).
« Last Edit: August 30, 2011, 12:57:03 AM by Xenomic »

Level 66
RPG2k3 Meowster
Alright, so now that all of those abilities are sorted (Gil Toss/Pray/Miracle), I'm wondering if it's possible to do a Chakra ability at all? I'm assuming it's impossible to make a command ability that lets you target an ally/self, so it'd have to be done via scripting. So if it's done by script (where it targets all allies), I might have to make it less than it actually does in the formulas I'm about to post.

So, here's the formulas from each FF game that I've looked at that might be worth using for this ability. Reason I'm making this is to give the character an ability that offsets the super small amount of MP she gets (in comparison to her skills, which in all honesty do cost quite a bit to use).

 HPRestored = User'sMaxHP / #ofPartyMembers - 1

Or for an easier reading, directly from the wiki:

"which heals every party member bar Sabin himself for an amount equal to Sabin's max HP divided by the number of party members minus 1"

    HPRestored = [(20 * Target'sMaxHP) / 100]
    MPRestored = [(20 * Target'sMaxMP) / 100]

Those two I'm looking at, though if I cannot target an ally with said ability, I may have to use the FFVI version instead of the FFIX version (which is the one I'd like to use, since it helps make the character more useful for healing MP as well).

Well, you can't choose a specific character as a target. I don't think it is really possible to choose a player target then use script specifically on your target unlike with monsters unless you use a custom battle system.

I'm guessing you don't know how to script this spell? o.O?
Not sure what your actually asking.

Here's script when you use the said spell's FFVI version

Okay code for the spell itself
Code: [Select]
Variable Oper: [variable x] Set, Char1 Max HP
Variable Oper: [variable y] Set, Party Size
Variable Oper: [variable x] / , Var [variable y]'s Value
Variable Oper: [variable x] - , 1
Change Cond: Character x Inflict x //will change the animation used by the character for the moment
Show Battle Animation: x, Entire party //shows the animation for healing i guess?
Wait: 0.1 Sec //waits..
Change HP: Entire Party's HP V[variable x] Recovered
Change Cond: Character x Remove x //changes the animation back to normal

Touhou Fantasy Developer and all around cool person. :)
Level 85
T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
I was asking whether or not if it would be possible to do it single or not, but since it doesn't seem to be the case, guess I'll have to go for the VI version (I actually forgot that there was a Party Size option in 2k3 lol...though I guess the question would be, how to make it so that it doesn't heal the user as well...I'm assuming I can set up the variables in the common events, as well as the If statements for each individual party member in another statement...

Level 66
RPG2k3 Meowster
I was asking whether or not if it would be possible to do it single or not, but since it doesn't seem to be the case, guess I'll have to go for the VI version (I actually forgot that there was a Party Size option in 2k3 lol...though I guess the question would be, how to make it so that it doesn't heal the user as well...I'm assuming I can set up the variables in the common events, as well as the If statements for each individual party member in another statement...

If there wasn't a party size option you can still detect the size with variables when characters join anyway. =p

Well. you could just heal every character in your game besides that one if ya wanna be lazy. xD

You can detect who is in the party if you want to by setting a variable when they join or making them join via variable (character with id stored in) instead of a specific character.
You could make it detect which character is who by assigning who is in the party to a "slot" variable (made up by you of course). And to make the event of the spell check each "slot" and if the said slot is occupied by the said character, not to heal that person. That's what I'd do anyway. ^^;

Touhou Fantasy Developer and all around cool person. :)
Level 85
T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
I just got confused by all that lol

So, if I made a variable for (let's use these as examples) Sabin called "Sabin Get", then 4 variables for "Slot 1", "Slot 2", "Slot 3", and "Slot 4", in the common event I could make it like...actually, I just lost myself lol. @_@

Level 66
RPG2k3 Meowster
I just got confused by all that lol

So, if I made a variable for (let's use these as examples) Sabin called "Sabin Get", then 4 variables for "Slot 1", "Slot 2", "Slot 3", and "Slot 4", in the common event I could make it like...actually, I just lost myself lol. @_@
Okay maybe I explained it wrong.

Basically, you want to know who occupies which character "slot".
-makes up 4 names-

Now. Let's say Bob's id is 0. Rena is 1, Peter is 2, and Beth is 3.

Let's say you start the game as Rena.
Slot 1 is occupied by Rena, thus it's value will be 1. So set slot 1 to 1.
Now Bob comes along a little later. Slot 2 is 0.
Beth joins. Slot 3 is 3.
Peter then joins. Slot 4 is 2.

Now have the spell check slots 1, 2, 3, and 4.
Let's say Rena is the one with the spell and you don't want it to heal her.
For each slot. Have it check their value with a conditional branch. Whatever slot is equal to 1 (Rena) don't let them be healed?

Understand now? ^^;
Might be a little bit difficult to detect who is on which slot if you have more than 4 characters, but you can do it I think. For "slot". Just name 4 variables "slot 1", "slot 2", "slot 3", and "slot 4".
« Last Edit: August 30, 2011, 04:47:36 PM by RikaPSO »

Touhou Fantasy Developer and all around cool person. :)
Level 85
T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
Ah, I get it now. Though you are right, it'll be pretty hard to do that method using how many characters I have (grand total of around 25-28 playable characters, including main and optional), so I'll probably have to do it the old fashioned way of doing "If XXXX is in Party" and put all of that in Common Events. Do appreciate the help you've been giving so far though ^^

Level 66
RPG2k3 Meowster
Your welcome, sorry I couldn't help more.
You can do it with a bunch of characters, just think it might be hard to keep track of who is in what slot. XD

Touhou Fantasy Developer and all around cool person. :)
Level 85
T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
Indeed, it really is lol. So I just stick them all in one common event and call it from there. Much easier to do too! Set it up with a If statement for if the character is in the party, then have them heal that much with the formula at the very top of the common event. Makes it a lot easier to change the coding if I need to later too!

Touhou Fantasy Developer and all around cool person. :)
Level 85
T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
So now here's a new one...I currently have this on an accessory, but MIGHT make it a passive ability for a character. Anyways, I've been trying to make this accessory that, every step you take, you get 1 Yen. It works...to a degree. The problem? Anytime you move, you receive a random amount of yen instead of 1. I haven't figured this out yet, but thought I'd share what I have thus far.

In Common Events, set to Parallel Process

Code: [Select]
Branch if Reimu Andvarinaut Equipped
  Key Input Proc: [0025: 8 Directions Down]
  Key Input Proc: [0026: 8 Directions Right]
  Key Input Proc: [0027: 8 Directions Left]
  Key Input Proc: [0028: 8 Directions Up]
  Branch if Var [0025: 8 Directions Down] is 0 Not
    Wait: 0.0 Sec
    Change Money: 1 Add


  Branch if Var [0026: 8 Directions Right] is 0 Not
    Wait: 0.0 Sec
    Change Money: 1 Add


  Branch if Var [0027: 8 Directions Left] is 0 Not
    Wait: 0.0 Sec
    Change Money: 1 Add


  Branch if Var [0028: 8 Directions Up] is 0 Not
    Wait: 0.0 Sec
    Change Money: 1 Add



Else Handler


If anyone can figure out what causes this to bug as such, would be greatly appreciated. I'm also still trying to figure out how to do HP/MP+ Accessories as well (I know HOW to do % for HP/MP for characters, but not sure how to make it NOT constantly increase HP while equipped with said accessory...for instance, if the accessory increased HP by 30%, all that'd need to be done is multiply character's HP by 30, then divide by 100 and save in a variable that way. But that second part of not making it constantly increase? Not sure on that yet...).

Level 66
RPG2k3 Meowster
Well, luckily. I have a piece of code from a project that should help with your yen problem. ^^;
Basically this code will have a constant check for your position and whenever it changes it will do something. This is 2 common events.
This is called by a map event:
Code: [Select]
Switch Operation: [x: accessory allow on this map?] ON
Variable Oper: [Moving x] Set, Hero X Coord.
Variable Oper: [Moving y] Set, Hero Y Coord.
Variable Oper: [Moving x change] Set, Hero X Coord.
Variable Oper: [Moving y change] Set, Hero Y Coord.
This one is a parallel Process ("accessory allow on this map" is it's condition):
Code: [Select]
Branch if Var [character x's accessory] is "the accessory's number goes here"
   Branch if Var [Moving x] is V[Moving x change] Not
      Variable Oper: [Moving x] Set, Hero X Coord.
      Variable Oper: [Moving x change] Set, Hero X Coord.
      Add 1 money here
   Branch if Var [Moving y] is V[Moving y change] Not
      Variable Oper: [Moving y] Set, Hero y Coord.
      Variable Oper: [Moving y change] Set, Hero y Coord.
      Add 1 money here
   Variable Oper: [Moving x change] Set, Hero X Coord.
   Variable Oper: [Moving y change] Set, Hero y Coord.
   Variable Oper: [character x's accessory] Set, Character x Accessory number
Variable Oper: [character x's accessory] Set, Character x Accessory number
Variable Oper: [Moving x change] Set, Hero X Coord.
Variable Oper: [Moving y change] Set, Hero y Coord.

This SHOULD work.
It can be better though. I just copy and pasted my code that's tweaked a lil pretty much (I mighta made some typos if I did sorry). This code was meant to change the encounter rate for every step you took (so you didn't walk say 2 steps and get into a battle). if it doesn't work, tweaking this code a lil should make it work. xD

To your other question I'll try to answer that another time when I get the chance. ^^;

Touhou Fantasy Developer and all around cool person. :)
Level 85
T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
Oh right! Speaking of the random encounter thing, I tried making a No Encounter accessory, which doesn't work for some reason. Dunno if I need a map event for that or not, but I'll post the coding I have for it in the Common Events.

Common Event: Demon Charm (Moogle Charm basically)
Parallel Process (Switch 5000: Start of game)

Code: [Select]
Branch if Reimu Demon Charm Equipped
   Encounter Rate: 0

Else Handler
   Encounter Rate: 80


That's pretty much all of the code that's used. So why that doesn't work is beyond me. It does the same thing to my Enemy Repel, which is as follows:

Common Events: Enemy Repel
Parallel Process (0122: Repel)

Code: [Select]
Encounter Rate: 0 (was 160 originally)
Wait: 30.0 sec
Encounter Rate: 80
Switch Operation: [0122: Repel] OFF

So there's those 2 that doesn't work at all for me for some reason. I made the Repel be half encounter rate essentially (80 is generally the normal encounter rate in my game) and it didn't work then either I think...not sure what's going on there @_@

I'll give that code a try though and see if that works. Luckily I can test it in debug room! I thought having an accessory like this would help offset the money issue in my game (even if it is 1 per step....money is money right? ^^;  ). I'm guessing I could use the switch that turns on at the start of the game to call that map event (you don't get the accessory at the start of the game, but hmm...not sure how I'd call it on the map yet. Probably while the accessory is equipped on specific maps I'd assume), though I'm curious as to why a variable for the accessory the character has on instead of while equipped with the accessory o.o
« Last Edit: September 02, 2011, 08:17:11 PM by Xenomic »

Level 66
RPG2k3 Meowster
I use a variable to check for equips.

Make a variable. Set it to equal.
Click on hero. Choose the character. The box next to it, hit accessory number.
Now that number will be the number whatever that person's accessory is in the items list (mine was items 0004 and 0005. Then just have a conditional branch check for the said number.

I guess you can do it the way your doing it. Just to check if it's working. Make a message saying "debug" or something to when the encounter rate is changed so you know the event is happening.
If the debug message isn't popping up you did might have done something wrong.

My encounter thing is a bit different than a static value. If you walked a certain number of steps it would change the value. Then do it again when another certain number till eventually a battle will occur almost every step. Then it would reset. I had 2 items effect it. 1 making no encounters and 1 making half the encounter rates.

Now for your other question from earlier:

To make a hp/mp increasing accessory. Have a parallel process checking for your accessory number at all times. Next make a switch that says the item is equipped or not.

Code: [Select]
Wait: 0.1 sec
Variable Oper: [Accessory number], Char x Accessory No.
Branch Var [Accessory number] is "number wanted here"
   Branch if Switch [hp item equipped] is OFF
      Change Statistics: Char x Max HP 1 Up
      Switch Operation: [hp item equipped] ON
Branch if Switch [hp item equipped]  is ON
   Switch Operation: [hp item equipped] OFF
   Change Statistics: Char x Max HP 1 Down

This code should work unless I typoed, worked for me.
Keep in mind their hp or mp won't be different until they exit the menu.
And lol, this caused me to lag because I had too many parallel processes on at once I think. XD

Touhou Fantasy Developer and all around cool person. :)
Level 85
T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
That's actually relatively funny, because I have lord knows how many parallel processes that go on at once all over the place, and the only time the game ever lags for me is in one area (why it even lags there is completely beyond me, as there's literally no parallel processes in said area). I'll give that coding a test run to see how well it'll work. I'm assuming that that'll work for each character as well (which may be a pain for me seeing how many characters I have, but hey, whatever makes the game more unique yo~).

I don't know why I didn't think of using a message for checking to see if things worked or not. Probably would've made a lot of things I've done so much easier lol @_@

EDIT - I'm also assuming that whenever the accessory changes for said character with that variable, the variable number will always change...that's actually a clever idea I have to say.
« Last Edit: September 02, 2011, 10:57:39 PM by Xenomic »

Touhou Fantasy Developer and all around cool person. :)
Level 85
T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
So, I checked the HP+ accessory code, and that works perfectly. The yen one however, I haven't gotten to work at all. It just doesn't increase the yen at all, which I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. Might be the first common event (I'm not sure if that's meant to be parallel process or Call or what @_@).   

Level 66
RPG2k3 Meowster
So, I checked the HP+ accessory code, and that works perfectly. The yen one however, I haven't gotten to work at all. It just doesn't increase the yen at all, which I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. Might be the first common event (I'm not sure if that's meant to be parallel process or Call or what @_@).

-uploads pictures of the code-
Keep in mind copying it exactly won't make it work.

Touhou Fantasy Developer and all around cool person. :)
Level 85
T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
Well....here's what I got

Code: [Select]
Branch if Var [0716: Accessory] is 760 (# for the accessory)
   Branch if Var [0712: Moving X] is V[0714] Not
      Variable Oper: [0712: Moving X] Set, Hero X Coord.
      Variable Oper: [0714: Moving X Change] Set, Hero X Coord.
      Change Money: 1 Add

   Branch if Var [0713: Moving Y] is V[0715] Not
     Variable Oper: [0713: Moving Y] Set, Hero Y Coord.
     Variable Oper: [0715: Moving Y Change] Set, Hero Y Coord.
     Change Money: 1 Add


Else Handler
   Variable Oper: [0714: Moving X Change] Set, Hero X Coord.
   Variable Oper: [0715: Moving Y Change] Set, Hero Y Coord.
   Variable Oper: [0716: Acccessory] Set, Reimu Accessory No.

Note, I tried this by this way and with the Hero Equipped function. If I put the Branch ifs as Equal to, then it works....indefinitely. If I leave it as the code stands right now, nothing happens at all. The switch DOES turn on (I could potentially just make that first common event a parallel process to shorten things for me I think), but why it doesn't add the yen I don't know. I even tested this code by trying to make a message pop up. It'll pop up indefinitely in the Else Handler part (which I expected it to), but it never did in the Branch Ifs. @_@

Level 66
RPG2k3 Meowster
Weird my message was posted twice. o-o
Oh well fixed. Site was lagging my previous post.

lol. Everything in your code is correct except for 1 important thing.
Because of where some code was, x was always = to it's change.
With that code. You actually get 2 gold instantly, but never again.
It only checks for a new position until the accessory is equipped. It only checks for the accessory until it's equipped. Once it is, your code no longer checks for either.
I made a new 1. Only 1 Parallel process.

Look at the slight difference of mine to yours. It work's almost perfectly:

What's the difference? :3
Oh, tiny bug. It will give 2 gold the first time it's equipped. o-o

Edit: Uh, I was testing something, it says call..., but make sure it's a parallel process. ;-;
« Last Edit: September 03, 2011, 01:52:05 AM by RikaPSO »

Touhou Fantasy Developer and all around cool person. :)
Level 85
T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
Wait, was it because I had the stuff in the Else handler and not at the very end? lol

Level 66
RPG2k3 Meowster
Wait, was it because I had the stuff in the Else handler and not at the very end? lol
Yup. XD