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Hey... my name's... Sashikinaroji...
Level 83
fear me...
Booooooo. you suck! hisssss. boooo again.

I don't like you. never will. I'm sure the feeling is mutual.
Ok, DON'T EXPECT HELP FROM ME~! I will perhaps rant a bit, but don't expect me to do graphics for you, even if I say I will... I won't.

Level 97
Secret Santa 2013 ParticipantSecret Santa 2012 Participant2011 Most Successful Troll
Well of course the feeling is mutual, nobody likes you.

Last Stop
Level 88
Everyone Off
Secret Santa 2013 ParticipantFor taking arms in the name of your breakfast.Secret Santa 2012 ParticipantSilver - GIAW 10Silver - GIAW 92011 Biggest Drama WhoreBronze - GIAW HalloweenGold - Game In A Week VII
Well of course the feeling is mutual, nobody likes you.
stating the obvious, but he'll never believe that, even if it's true.

Level 84
Is a New Zealander
Man, these last 4 jokes have reallllly gone downhill.
I'm much too lazy to put an actual signature here.

Level 97
Secret Santa 2013 ParticipantSecret Santa 2012 Participant2011 Most Successful Troll
Oldest Joke Ever:
So a horse walks into a bar.
The bartender looks at him and asks "Why the long face?"

Spoiler for Alternate Ending:
The horse replies "My wife has cancer."

Level 102
2014 Best Non-RM Creator2014 Biggest Forum Potato2014 Biggest Narcissist Award2013 Best IRC Chatterbox2013 Best Game Creator (Non-RM)Participant - GIAW 112012 Best IRC Chatterbox2012 Best Use Of Avatar and Signature space2012 Funniest Member2012 Most Successful TrollSecret Santa 2012 ParticipantProject of the Month winner for November 2009For being a noted contributor to the RMRK Wiki2010 Most Successful Troll2010 Biggest Forum Couch Potato2010 Best IRC Chatterbox
Two muslims walk into a bar.

Sorry I can't finish the joke my friend was in an explosion at a bar so I have to go to the hospital and I am worried he may die.

Spoiler for:
did I do it right

Level 82
All right then...
1)What did one snow man say to another?
Spoiler for:
A)do you smell carrots?

2)How does an octopus go to war?
Spoiler for:
A) Well Armed.

3)What's brown and sticky?
Spoiler for:
A)A stick

4) Why should'nt you write with a broken pencil?
Spoiler for:
A) 'coz its pointless

5)Why did the skeleton go to the party alone?
Spoiler for:
A)He had no body to go with him
I'm all out.

Meet me in the middle
Level 89
or left of the dial.
For frequently finding and reporting spam and spam botsSecret Santa 2012 Participant
rmrk lacks humour.

Furry Philosopher
Level 94
2013 Best RPG Maker User (Creativity)Randomizer - GIAW 11Gold - GIAW 11 (Hard)Secret Santa 2013 ParticipantFor frequently finding and reporting spam and spam bots2012 Best RPG Maker User (Mapping)2012 Best RPG Maker User (Programming)Secret Santa 2012 ParticipantGold - GIAW 9Project of the Month winner for September 2008For taking a crack at the RMRK Wiki2011 Best RPG Maker User (Programming)2011 Kindest Member2011 Best Veteran2010 Most Deserving Of A Promotion2010 Best RPG Maker User (Technical)
Holk RMRK isn't funny.

Meet me in the middle
Level 89
or left of the dial.
For frequently finding and reporting spam and spam botsSecret Santa 2012 Participant
rmrk is going downhill

Level 71
Your right RMRK isn't funny, but I'm sure it's not suppose to be funny. Any way here are some jokes.

1) How do you keep a blonde at home?
   Build a circular driveway.

2) A policeman was patrolling a local parking spot overlooking a golf course. He drove by a car and saw a couple inside with the dome light on. There was a young man in the driver's seat reading a computer magazine and a young lady in the back seat knitting. He stopped to investigate. He walked up to the driver's window and knocked. The young man looked up, cranked the window down, and said, "Yes Officer?"

"What are you doing?" the policeman asked. "What does it look like?" answered the young man. "I'm reading this magazine." Pointing towards the young lady in the back seat, the officer then asked, "And what is she doing?" The young man looked over his shoulder and replied, "What does it look like? She's knitting."

"And how old are you?" the officer then asked the young man. "I'm nineteen," he replied. "And how old is she?" asked the officer. The young man looked at his watch and said, "Well, in about twelve minutes she'll be sixteen."

3) A lawyer, an economist, and a teacher were going to the bathroom. The lawyer gets done, washes his hands, and then proceeds to use almost the entire roll of paper towels to dry his hands. He says "I was taught to be thorough." The economist gets done, washes his hands, but uses only one paper towel. He says "I was taught to be environmentally friendly." The teacher gets done and leaves without washing his hands. He says "I was taught not to piss on my hands."

my name is Timothy what's yours
Level 79
2014 Most Missed Member2014 Best IRC Quote2014 Zero to Hero2012 Zero To HeroSecret Santa 2012 ParticipantContestant - GIAW 9For frequently finding and reporting spam and spam bots2011 Zero to Hero
Whiteboards are remarkable!
it's like a metaphor or something i don't know

A-pow 2015
Level 81
2014 Best RPG Maker User - GraphicsFor frequently finding and reporting spam and spam bots2013 Most Unsung MemberSecret Santa 2013 ParticipantFor taking arms in the name of your breakfast.How can I help you? :Da^2 + b^2 = c^2Secret Santa 2012 ParticipantSilver - GIAW 10Silver - GIAW 9Bronze - GIAW HalloweenGold - Game In A Week VII

Level 91
One day, there's a rooster at the top of the triangle-shaped roof flapping its wings as the sun rises. Now here's the question, if the rooster lays an egg, would it roll at the right side or at the left side?
Spoiler for:
Neither, unless the rooster does a sex change operation.
That's not a joke. It's a riddle, if anything. And you ruined the answer by trying to turn it into a joke. You're not funny. You're a phony!

hehe yeah yeah. why do you need to say that im a phony, im not funny? :) the first three sentences is enough. :)

It's important that you know. It will help you in life.

my point is, no need to mention it cuz it explains already. :) nevermind. well. i think some guys here goes off to the topic.

Last Stop
Level 88
Everyone Off
Secret Santa 2013 ParticipantFor taking arms in the name of your breakfast.Secret Santa 2012 ParticipantSilver - GIAW 10Silver - GIAW 92011 Biggest Drama WhoreBronze - GIAW HalloweenGold - Game In A Week VII
i think some guys here goes off to the topic.

uhhhhh...... what. sword stop going off to the topic.

Level 97
Secret Santa 2013 ParticipantSecret Santa 2012 Participant2011 Most Successful Troll
What did the Tyler say to John Speedboat?
Spoiler for:
fuuuuuuuuuuuckkk yooooooooooooouuuuu

Level 91
Personal Text
My joke:

What is Edward Cullens favourite time of the month?
Bella's Time of the month.

Also has anyone ever noticed the severe darkness that resides in the joke...

Why did the chicken cross the road?
To get to the other side.

The other side not being the other side of the road... but more passing over to the next life...
The freaking chicken died man, thats sad.