Been looking for a while, and for some reason thought it was part of the game maker already (RPGM XP) but when i went to find it I couldn't. Acctually started by looking for an event to "change walking sound effect" but couldnt find it. Any ways... I wanted to be able to make foot steps sounds, and... you guessed it, change the sound. I think more descriptive would be "traveling" sound, because I switch between characters and vehicles, so when I'm walking as a human, I want one sound (maybe even have different sounds depending on what tile you're walking on, I've seen a few scripts describing that effect, but its all for VX or 2k3, which might be why i expected it to be there, just like I expected a vehicles option all set up) but when I am a char who moves by flapping it's wings, or slithering along, or the jet engines of the space ship... I think it would add to the game experiance a lot. Thanks for your help, if it already exists here , i couldn't find it, but I find it hard to beleive it was never even thought of.