So, I’m pretty much a writer by trade, and have decided to tell the newest story I’m working on in the form of a game, an RPG called ‘ExXception Draft’ - about a world where reaction against violent video games gets violently out of control, and the reaction of a criminal who has his own theories on ‘play.’
It sounds kind of sadistic, like it’s a Saw remake or something, but really, it’s less about torture and more about something about how… well, I think superheroes always have their perfect villains. Kind of how Jung’s(?) I think, idea of the shadow, works. Where you have a ‘dark’ part of you, not necessarily evil, but a part that is not manifest, that somehow ‘seeds’ you, or that you grow from, sometimes as “simply” as through a night spent dreaming.
I always thought the Joker was Batman’s ‘shadow’, or as you would normally say, ‘arch nemesis’, again with Jung, the idea of the ‘archetype.’ So…
My character is a ‘game-maker’, who, may create games that make people grow, and this may involve transgression or ‘challenges/dares/missions’ that involve illegal or illicit behavior. I have only brainstormed mostly. Haven’t written very much, but I’m working on the story's script and the levels and keeping track of it on my blog on tumblr.