I need a script which tags certain items as required for identification (either by note tags or by an array of item_ids). In this way, the help box above the item should be made to say simply 'IDENTIFY'. This will be used to hide the capablities of an item until such a time as it is identified, by skill. The skill, perhaps referenced by a skill_id # in an array, could then be used to identify the item/weapon or armor and make the help box of said artifact appear. This skill, should therefor bring up a window of items in possession which require identification.
Features Desired
•item help windows hidden by the word "Identify" until skill is used to identify them
•skill which identifies items and restores the items help box
•window which shows items requiring identification
Games its been in
Darkstone for PS1
What other scripts are you using?
DRIACS Item System
Did you search?
Where did you search?
have searched many places at many times over the past few years, RMRK,, gamebanana, creationassylum, rpgrevolution, etc.
What did you search for?
item identifications