I ported this multiparties script from VX to XP, can do things like FFVI, but also saving gold,
# Ported to Xp: gerkrt,gerrtunk
# Created: modern algebra
# Idea to port: TheRealDeal
# By default, the original party is saved in $game_parties[0], so you may
# want to avoid overwriting $game_parties[0] and just work with 1,2,...
# Also, be very careful when dealing with parties. Always remember what
# parties exist and where they are in $game_parties or else you may make a
# stupid error occur.
# @>Change Items: [Potion], + 1
# @>Change Gold: + 50
# @>Script: p = $game_parties[1]
# : : $game_party = p
# : : $game_player.refresh
# @>Change Party Member: Add [Oscar], Initialize
# @>Change Weapons: [Bastard Sword], +1
# @>Change Gold: + 100
# Assuming that $game_parties[1] did not previously exist, this event just
# switched your party to the party with index 1, and if you looked at your
# menu you would see that Oscar is in the party, you have 100 Gold, and a
# Bastard Sword. The potion and the other 50 Gold went to the initial party
# Now, let's say Oscar later meets up with his party and rejoins. Then this
# event would do the trick:
# @>Script: $game_parties.merge! (0, 1)
# : : $game_party = $game_parties[0]
# : : $game_player.refresh
# And there, the two parties have been merged and everything that Oscar had
# obtained goes to the party.
# ** Game_Party
# Summary of Changes:
# new method - add_multiple_steps
class Game_Party
# * Add Multiple Steps
# amount : the amount of steps to add
def add_multiple_steps (amount)
@steps += amount
# ** Game_Parties
# This class handles Parties. It's a wrapper for the built-in class "Array."
# It is accessed by $game_parties
class Game_Parties
# * Object Initialization
def initialize
@data = [$game_party]
# * Retrieve Party
# id : the ID of the party
def [] (id)
@data[id] = Game_Party.new if @data[id] == nil
return @data[id]
# * Set Party
def []= (id, party)
# Does nothing unless it is a party object
return unless party.class == Game_Party
@data[id] = party
# * Merge
# id_1 : the ID of the first party
# id_2 : the ID of the second party
def merge (id_1, id_2)
new_party = Game_Party.new
# Get old parties
op1 = self[id_1]
op2 = self[id_2]
# Gold
new_party.gain_gold (op1.gold + op2.gold)
# Members
(op1.members | op2.members).each { |actor| new_party.add_actor (actor.id) }
# Items, Weapons, and Armor
(op1.items | op2.items).each { |item|
new_party.gain_item (item, op1.item_number (item) + op2.item_number (item))
# Steps
new_party.add_multiple_steps (op1.steps + op2.steps)
# Last Item
new_party.last_item_id = op1.last_item_id
# Last Actor
new_party.last_actor_index = op1.last_actor_index
# Last Target
new_party.last_target_index = op1.last_target_index
# Quests (if game includes my Quest Log)
(op1.quests.list | op2.quests.list).each { |quest|
new_quest = new_party.quests[quest.id]
# Reveal Objectives
quest.revealed_objectives.each { |i| new_quest.reveal_objective (i) }
# Complete Objectives
quest.complete_objectives.each { |i| new_quest.complete_objective (i) }
# Fail Objectives
quest.failed_objectives.each { |i| new_quest.fail_objective (i) }
# Concealed?
new_quest.concealed = quest.concealed
# Reward Given?
new_quest.reward_given = quest.reward_given
return new_party
# * Merge!
# id_1 : the ID of the first party to which the second party is merged
# id_2 : the ID of the second party that is deleted
def merge! (id_1, id_2)
@data[id_1] = merge (id_1, id_2)
delete (id_2)
# * Delete
# id : the ID of the quest to be deleted
def delete (id)
@data[id] = nil
# If this was the last in the array
if id == @data.size - 1
# Delete any nil elements that exist between this party and its successor
id -= 1
while @data[id] == nil
@data.delete (id)
id -= 1
# ** Scene_Title
# Summary of Changes:
# aliased method - create_game_objects
class Scene_Title
# * Create Game Objects
alias command_new_game_GP_alias command_new_game
def command_new_game
$game_parties = Game_Parties.new
# ** Scene_Save
# Summary of Changes:
# aliased methods - write_save_data
class Scene_Save
# * Write Save Data
# file : write file object (opened)
alias modalg_multiparty_wrt_sv_dta_6hye write_save_data
def write_save_data(file)
modalg_multiparty_wrt_sv_dta_6hye (file)
Marshal.dump($game_parties, file)
# ** Scene_Load
# Summary of Changes:
# aliased methods - read_save_data
class Scene_Load
# * Load Save Data
# file : file object for reading (opened)
alias modalg_multiparty_rd_sv_dat_2gte read_save_data
def read_save_data(file)
modalg_multiparty_rd_sv_dat_2gte (file)
$game_parties = Marshal.load(file)
Test this code well and tell me if anything is wrong.