This script let you use random enemy parties like games like Dragon Quest. You
define a max, min, and the appear rate of each type of enemy in a set of maps, and
the rest is random.
# Random enemies parties
# By gerkrt/gerrtunk, Heretic86(Idea)
# Version: 1.0
# License: MIT, credits
# Date: 12/07/2011
# IMPORTANT NOTE: to acces the more actualitzed or corrected version of this
# script check here:
This script let you use random enemy parties like games like Dragon Quest. You
define a max, min, and the appear rate of each type of enemy in a set of maps, and
the rest is random.
-------TROOPS EFFECTS---------
The main configuration to do is to add in Random_Enemies hash the troops effects
you need. A troop effect is a seed for a random generation in a set of maps.
Random_enemies = {
:troop1 => {
:maps_ids => [1,2,3],
# Put this to false if not want confiugre manually, all 50% 1-10
:enemies_appear => false,
:defined_positions => false,
:max_enemies => 5,
:min_enemies => 2,
:maps_ids : a list of maps ids where will have effect, in any other map it wont.
:max_enemies : to control the challengue. the max enemies to create.
:mix_enemies : to control the challengue. the min enemies to create. The number
of enemies is generated randomly with this range.
You have configurated the maps where it happens and the number range, but what
about the enemies types?
To do that you have to add a enemy encounter in a map thats in the maps_ids list,
for example, in the map 2. When that combat starts, the number of enemies will
appear in a random way.
Note that normally all the enemies have the same % to appear in a combat, but you
can changue that using the :enemies_appear option.
:enemies_appear => [[1,3, false,false], [4,5, false, false], [5,8, false, false], ],
Using this, you configure the % of appearance of each enemy, and also some of his
partydefined attributes like immortal(cant dead) and invisible.
[1,3, false,false]
Enemy id, % appear(1 to 10), invisible, immortal. Set false to true to make that
the enemy have these options.
Anyway if just dont need that, make it =>false and they will have the same probabilities.
------ENEMIES POSITIONS---------
As the number of the enemies are random, you cant use the positions in the
database normally. You can define a set of enemy positions for each troop, in order,
to the max of the rpgmaker thats 8.
You can have some troubles with enemies only using a enemies positions list
for all of them, thats why each troop can define his own positions.
To define the default enemies positions you have to go to troop n1 in the database
and set any up 8 enemies(or the max you will use) in the positions you like.
The scipt will use these in the same order and for all enemies.
To define defined enemies you have to add this line to a troop:
:defined_positions => 4,
instead of false.
Then it will work like the default troop in database, but with troop id=4 this time.
Make the same thing.
-------USING THE DEFAULT WAY---------
If you go in a combat that havent defined a troop in this script, that will be loaded
like a normal one, using the database.
To add new troop effects just add these each time:
:troop2 => {
:maps_ids => [4,5],
# Put this to false if not want confiugre manually, all 50% 1-10
:enemies_appear => false,
:defined_positions => 1,
:max_enemies => 8,
:min_enemies => 5,
but updating troopX, to 3, 4, etc.
module Wep
Random_enemies = {
:troop1 => {
:maps_ids => [1,2,3],
# Put this to false if not want confiugre manually, all 50% 1-10
:enemies_appear => [[1,3, false,false], [4,5, false, false], [5,8, false, false], ],
:defined_positions => false,
:max_enemies => 5,
:min_enemies => 2,
:troop2 => {
:maps_ids => [4,5],
# Put this to false if not want confiugre manually, all 50% 1-10
:enemies_appear => false,
:defined_positions => 1,
:max_enemies => 8,
:min_enemies => 5,
class Game_Enemy
attr_reader :enemy_id
# ** Game_Troop
# This class deals with troops. Refer to "$game_troop" for the instance of
# this class.
class Game_Troop
# * Setup
# troop_id : troop ID
def setup(troop_id)
# Set array of enemies who are set as troops
@enemies = []
# Initialize roulette
roulette = []
enes_appear = []
# Loop
count = 0
# Iterate in troops for the one of active map
for key, value in Wep::Random_enemies
troop = Wep::Random_enemies[key]
# Check it
if troop[:maps_ids].include? $game_map.map_id
# Save it
used_troop = troop
# Iterate in all enemies
for enemy in $data_troops[troop_id].members
#p enemy
# Push the game enemy n times.
n = 0
# When default use 5
if not troop[:enemies_appear]
n = 5
enes_appear = troop[:enemies_appear]
for ene in troop[:enemies_appear]
#p 'ene id ', ene[0], enemy.enemy_id
if ene[0] == enemy.enemy_id
n = ene[1]
# A default value herE?
#p 'N', n
n.times do
roulette.push(enemy.enemy_id) ;# p enemy.enemy_id
#p roulette
# If roulette size is 0 means that no map have been found for this effect.
# Then uses the normal way
if roulette.size == 0
#p 'normal'
troop = $data_troops[troop_id]
for i in 0...troop.members.size
enemy = $data_enemies[troop.members[i].enemy_id]
if enemy != nil
@enemies.push(, i))
# The random way
#p 'rando'
# Generate enemies
# Select random enemy until max and starting in min
val = 0
val = rand(troop[:max_enemies])
val = troop[:min_enemies] if val < troop[:min_enemies]
val = troop[:max_enemies] if val > troop[:max_enemies]
count = 0
for i in 0..val
#p 'times',i, val, $data_troops
if used_troop[:defined_positions]
j = [used_troop[:defined_positions]][0]
#p 'defined', [used_troop[:defined_positions]][0], i
x = $data_troops[j].members[count].x
y = $data_troops[j].members[count].y
#p 'default'
x = $data_troops[1].members[count].x
y = $data_troops[1].members[count].y
#x = arr[count][:x]
#y = arr[count][:y]
ene = roulette[rand(roulette.size)]
for eneapp in enes_appear
if eneapp[0] == ene
hidd = eneapp[2]
imm = eneapp[3]
# Troop_id, member index
@enemies.push(, i, ene, hidd, imm, x, y))
count +=1
# ** Game_Enemy
# This class handles enemies. It's used within the Game_Troop class
# ($game_troop).
class Game_Enemy < Game_Battler
# * Object Initialization
# troop_id : troop ID
# member_index : troop member index
def initialize(troop_id, member_index, enemy_id, hidden, immortal, x, y)
@troop_id = troop_id
@member_index = member_index
troop = $data_troops[@troop_id]
@enemy_id = enemy_id
enemy = $data_enemies[@enemy_id]
@battler_name = enemy.battler_name
@battler_hue = enemy.battler_hue
@hp = maxhp
@sp = maxsp
@x = x
@y = y
@hidden = hidden
@immortal = immortal
# * Get Battle Screen X-Coordinate
def screen_x
return @x
# * Get Battle Screen Y-Coordinate
def screen_y
return @y
# * Get Battle Screen Z-Coordinate
def screen_z
return screen_y