Full sized character picture in status window
SummaryI have an artist eager to produce me some art of the character for our game. We agreed that in status window, the characters would be shown in full profile (from head to toes (or at least to knees)) in the background. Some what transparent of course. So I'm requesting if anyone has had this kind of project going on, I'd love you reeeal much if you'd be able to help me, or at least give me some basic ideas of the script (I'm still new at this scripting, but I learn quickly).
So in short terms, I'd need a script to replace the facial picture in status window with a bigger picture consisting the whole character on the background of the text. If someone is like super genius, it'd be cool to have press button option to hide the text and show only the character too
What other scripts little mitten is using?Technically none yet, though I have been drooling on some of Pacmans work. And been working on quest log system, haven't found any yet which I'd surely use, so still looking
Did you search?Yes! I mean at least a quick search. Quicky little search. Don't hate me if this is already requested, please