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Problem with moving event

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Rep: +0/-0Level 70
RMRK Junior
I have problem with NPC moving to sewer, but only when player facing left when run event.

RPG Maker XP - Problem With Moving.avi   


Problem is in 0:27

Level 87
Embrace the stillness of eternity.
Make a conditional branch to see if the player is facing left. If he is, have the event move down and then right.

Rep: +0/-0Level 70
RMRK Junior
I used conditional branch, but I haved another question: Why when player facing left, down, right, this event, when get to sewer still moving although it can´t move. Result is that the event on-site shuffling around.

Level 87
Embrace the stillness of eternity.
You might be using too many move commands. Make sure you're still using four of them. So it should be:

Condition: (Player) is facing (Left)
>Set Move Route: (This Event)
>>Move Down
>>Move Right
>>Move Down
>>Move Down
>Set Move Route: (This Event)
>>Move Right
>>Move Down
>>Move Down
>>Move Down

Rep: +0/-0Level 70
RMRK Junior
Yes it works, but still don´t know why don´t work this:

Condition: (Player) is facing (Left)
>Set Move Route: (This Event)
>>Move Down
>>Move Down
>>Move Down
>Set Move Route: (This Event)
>>Move Right
>>Move Down
>>Move Down
>>Move Down

Level 87
Embrace the stillness of eternity.
I'm not sure what you're asking. Are you saying it doesn't work when you have the event just move down three times without moving right?

Rep: +0/-0Level 70
RMRK Junior

Level 87
Embrace the stillness of eternity.
I know, I saw the video, which was why I suggested the conditional branch. If it detects the player is facing left, the event will move down, right, down, down, as opposed to right, down, down, down.

Rep: +0/-0Level 70
RMRK Junior
When player to down right down, down, if player facing left it works. But I don´t understand why Does´nt wok down down down.