Ok, I've created a few skills such as detecting and disarming traps.. One problem.. I don't want people to be able to grind this out and get 100 points in it over night.. I would like something to check the level of the character and only be able to get to a certain points in skills.
In example:
Ralph is Level 2, he has disable trap skill, with 3 points in it: (It goes up at a 31%chance).
I'm using a d20 like system for this so
Random 1-20 integer + Disable Trap Skill (3): He rolled a 14+3 = 17. He was able to disable the trap.
Now.. The problem I'm running into is this:
At level 2 he should only be able to have 4 points, at level 3 he can get up to 5 points and so on..
How do I make this happen?
I used Conditional Branches to check the level and skill so that if it is 2 for level and 4 points it doesnt run the Skill up event.
I notice now though that even if they come back at a later time and level (say 20) to disable the trap you won't get skill up either.
How can I make a script to use an algorhythm for a max rank system as per level
Level/Max Points
Without having to rewrite this all in conditional throughout the event.. ehich would take way too long and make me not want to do this..
I'm trying to use the script/rank system for all actors.. Any ideas?
Heres my tiny script i made for the skill system with the d20 and a variable:
#Skill System
# Written by Matthew Pappalardo and Nicholas LoBianco
# Version 1.0
# This script is used as a basic d20 rolling system using variable for a skill.
class Detect_d20
def initialize
@@detect_skill = $game_variables[19] # <--- Change this Variable
@@roll_20 = rand(20) # <--- Random # generated. (d20)
$det_trap = @@roll_20+@@detect_skill