Buying Mafia and probably Amnesia. Can anyone recommend some neat multi-player games?
I highly recommend VVVVVV (it's only $2.50). It's like a pacifist Super Metroid and SMG. There are environmental hazards and enemies, and it's mostly gravity-shifting exploration and environmental puzzles.
ME2 was a huge letdown. The only reason it got universal praise IMO is because it's Gears of War combat with CoD-like perks set in a Sci-Fi dating sim and that's pretty much the acme of the industry to every video game journalist. It's like Bioware wanted to give us ten times the amount of meat and potatoes but forgot to add the salt, pepper, and butter. And I really liked ME1.
Mafia II is really good...If you're not expect a GTA clone, which isn't (only saying this because most reviews I've read unfairly compared it to GTA IV; it's apples and oranges, fellas). Sometimes I really wish it were more open, because parts of Empire Bay were really intriguing and utterly wonderful and unfortunately inaccessible. However, the driving and melee are sub-par at best.