Ok, I can make all of the animations I need to make some unique summon spells.. but the problem I'm having is that say that I have a summon spell, that summons a pegasus and heals the party. I make a custom animation of a pegasus swooping down and casting a heal spell, and then he flies off. The problem I'm having is that while you target the party the onlky things that happen are sound effects and screen flashes.. I tried making a common event with the enemy being hit, and then if there are multiple enemies on the screen it plays the animation two or three times, and the party text that their hp doesnt appear..
My question is this.. How do you show a battle animation of a spell that targets your party, and only once, (if you have 4 actors the animation will play 4 times, which is not cool. Just want it played once, and heal the entire party.)