First things first heres a little video showing what I'm looking for to thouse who havn't played the game when damage is inflicted a limit gadge located by Hp and MP fills up
When this gadge is full the "Attack" Comand gets replaced with a "Limit" Comand
Now I know there is an FFVII style limit system script out there (The KGC_OverDrive)
The problum with this is that it uses the "Skill" command for this (enable/disable)
I am already using the "Skill" command for the Materia script by SephirothSpawn and translated for VX by Atoa
So my Request is this.I need a script that displays a gadge named Limit on both battle screens and the main menu window
The gadge fills up on damage infliction and will carry over to next battle untel Limit is used
When Limit gadge is full the "Attack" command is replaced with the "Limit" command
Limit's are customizable, by actor, in an option at the main menu section labeled "Limits"
Thankx in advance