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Scripter for hire.

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Rep: +0/-0Level 87
Hey, I am a skilled scripter, and I find myself with time on my hands lately.

I know how difficult it can be to try to find someone to create a script for you, especially some of the trickier scripts to write.  As such, I'm offering my services for a low, negotiable price.  Simply PM me what you want written, and I will give a price, and timeframe estimate. No job too small.

I can do anything from small menu modifications, to entire custom battle scripts.  I can work in both RGSS2 and RGSS, though all of my samples are in RGSS.

Some things I have done, so you can gauge the quality of my work.
I was incharge of the pathfinding, and mouse controls for the game Vastar.  I would charge $75 for something like this, a commercial project, company has released games in past, writing a VERY extensive new pathfinding class, writing an extensive mouse cursor class, modifying nearly every menu and the combat system to use the mouse.
I've created a new semi-vancian spellcasting system to replace the MP casting system. More info.
I've written a player customizable battle AI. More info.
I've created a custom inventory system.  Sadly, I don't have a link to this anymore.
An automatic resource cleaning script, it helps remove unused resources from a game, to shrink filesize.  More info.

I'll accept most forms of payment, including bitcoin.

As far as price goes, I will take many things into consideration, including project difficulty, length, how likely the game is to actually be completed (I will charge less if it appears the game will actually be completed), whether the game will be free or cost money, and the finances of the commissioner.

Price, and terms are negotiable.  Send a PM today!
« Last Edit: June 13, 2011, 01:40:49 AM by pidey »