Hey all,
Hey all. The crux of the way enemies are engaged/ battles are initiated in the game I'm creating is just like they are in certain parts of the game Final Fantasy VI- namely, the parts where you create 3 or more parties, push a button to cycle through them, and place them on a map to intercept enemies. This is one such scene:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3_PzVt7AMxYModern's Algebra's script seems like a perfect fit for what I'm attempting to do, but unfortunately it isn't compatible with RMXP, the engine I'm using. Furthermore, after much searching, there doesn't seem to be any analog script out there for XP =/
Would anyone be willing to change M.A.'s script (below) such that it can be used with RMXP? I'd really like all battles in my game to be initiated this way, and so this would be a huge boon to my project.
Thanks in advance!
Modern Algebra's Multiple Party Script:
# By default, the original party is saved in $game_parties[0], so you may
# want to avoid overwriting $game_parties[0] and just work with 1,2,...
# Also, be very careful when dealing with parties. Always remember what
# parties exist and where they are in $game_parties or else you may make a
# stupid error occur.
# @>Change Items: [Potion], + 1
# @>Change Gold: + 50
# @>Script: p = $game_parties[1]
# : : $game_party = p
# : : $game_player.refresh
# @>Change Party Member: Add [Oscar], Initialize
# @>Change Weapons: [Bastard Sword], +1
# @>Change Gold: + 100
# Assuming that $game_parties[1] did not previously exist, this event just
# switched your party to the party with index 1, and if you looked at your
# menu you would see that Oscar is in the party, you have 100 Gold, and a
# Bastard Sword. The potion and the other 50 Gold went to the initial party
# Now, let's say Oscar later meets up with his party and rejoins. Then this
# event would do the trick:
# @>Script: $game_parties.merge! (0, 1)
# : : $game_party = $game_parties[0]
# : : $game_player.refresh
# And there, the two parties have been merged and everything that Oscar had
# obtained goes to the party.
# ** Game_Party
# Summary of Changes:
# new method - add_multiple_steps
class Game_Party < Game_Unit
# * Add Multiple Steps
# amount : the amount of steps to add
def add_multiple_steps (amount)
@steps += amount
# ** Game_Parties
# This class handles Parties. It's a wrapper for the built-in class "Array."
# It is accessed by $game_parties
class Game_Parties
# * Object Initialization
def initialize
@data = [$game_party]
# * Retrieve Party
# id : the ID of the party
def [] (id)
@data[id] = Game_Party.new if @data[id] == nil
return @data[id]
# * Set Party
def []= (id, party)
# Does nothing unless it is a party object
return unless party.class == Game_Party
@data[id] = party
# * Merge
# id_1 : the ID of the first party
# id_2 : the ID of the second party
def merge (id_1, id_2)
new_party = Game_Party.new
# Get old parties
op1 = self[id_1]
op2 = self[id_2]
# Gold
new_party.gain_gold (op1.gold + op2.gold)
# Members
(op1.members | op2.members).each { |actor| new_party.add_actor (actor.id) }
# Items, Weapons, and Armor
(op1.items | op2.items).each { |item|
new_party.gain_item (item, op1.item_number (item) + op2.item_number (item))
# Steps
new_party.add_multiple_steps (op1.steps + op2.steps)
# Last Item
new_party.last_item_id = op1.last_item_id
# Last Actor
new_party.last_actor_index = op1.last_actor_index
# Last Target
new_party.last_target_index = op1.last_target_index
# Quests (if game includes my Quest Log)
(op1.quests.list | op2.quests.list).each { |quest|
new_quest = new_party.quests[quest.id]
# Reveal Objectives
quest.revealed_objectives.each { |i| new_quest.reveal_objective (i) }
# Complete Objectives
quest.complete_objectives.each { |i| new_quest.complete_objective (i) }
# Fail Objectives
quest.failed_objectives.each { |i| new_quest.fail_objective (i) }
# Concealed?
new_quest.concealed = quest.concealed
# Reward Given?
new_quest.reward_given = quest.reward_given
return new_party
# * Merge!
# id_1 : the ID of the first party to which the second party is merged
# id_2 : the ID of the second party that is deleted
def merge! (id_1, id_2)
@data[id_1] = merge (id_1, id_2)
delete (id_2)
# * Delete
# id : the ID of the quest to be deleted
def delete (id)
@data[id] = nil
# If this was the last in the array
if id == @data.size - 1
# Delete any nil elements that exist between this party and its successor
id -= 1
while @data[id] == nil
@data.delete (id)
id -= 1
# ** Scene_Title
# Summary of Changes:
# aliased method - create_game_objects
class Scene_Title < Scene_Base
# * Create Game Objects
alias modalg_multiparty_crt_gme_objcs_5som create_game_objects
def create_game_objects
$game_parties = Game_Parties.new
# ** Scene_File
# Summary of Changes:
# aliased methods - read_save_data, write_save_data
class Scene_File
# * Write Save Data
# file : write file object (opened)
alias modalg_multiparty_wrt_sv_dta_6hye write_save_data
def write_save_data(file)
modalg_multiparty_wrt_sv_dta_6hye (file)
Marshal.dump($game_parties, file)
# * Read Save Data
# file : file object for reading (opened)
alias modalg_multiparty_rd_sv_dat_2gte read_save_data
def read_save_data(file)
modalg_multiparty_rd_sv_dat_2gte (file)
$game_parties = Marshal.load(file)